Indestructible Dance

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Our dance floor doesn't dance

traditionally, at all

In fact, neither of us really know how

to dance unchoreographed.

Our dance floor is loving in step with each other

somehow still melodic

and in rhythm

the way we dance is unapologetic


a bond so strong

one might suspect you cast a spell on me

or put me under a terrifying trance

but no, 

it's nothing like that.

I made the choice to join your dance of life

I wouldn't take it back

no matter who tried to twist us apart

You see, the way our minds mirror

is too strong to shatter

One touch or tamper with us?

Someone without a brain could get electrocuted.

The glass shards of our minds would cut too easily

for us to be ripped apart

by anything the enemy would throw at us

Our joint reaction time would make us effortlessly catch it all

Throw it right back in his burned face

with easy confidence

that our Creator protects our dance

for with every sting, we sharpen.

We are a weapon of The Lord

not to be messed with.

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