They're Children.

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Children, screaming Bloody Murder

tears that flood your thighs

But no matter how many times they apologized

you kept going until you saw red;

a mark for proof of punishment

Leaving raw skin that stung worse than a bee

Children, scared to death

at what you might do

or what else you're capable of

even if you'd "never do more than that"

"It's the only way they learn"


Yet, you were confused when, 

over time,

the tears started to form before the impact

I call bullshit.

-You stopped-

when I stopped reacting;

silent cries inside my head

clenching my fists, and teeth

waiting for it to be over

at 15 years old.

Guess what happened?

I received different punishments-

things that didn't hurt me,

or mark me.

Still, the first 15 years of stinging

haunt me

like they'll come back, or something

and I Still apologize a lot

as if they truly will at any moment.

The older I get, the more disturbed I become.


I will not be spanking my kids.

They're children.

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