Springtime Selah

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She's like a breath of fresh air

after the brutal season of cold

rising all the way up

from her deep slumber state of mind

Hazel eyes filled with hope

running water of life flowing through her veins like rivers

If you could touch her heart

it would feel as soft as fresh flower petals

Her chestnut hair is recently cut short

and she often smiles at the sight of songbirds amidst the sunrise

while sipping homemade iced matcha

with her passionfruit version of the Bible on the table,

aside bright pink and yellow highlighters,

and a forest green journal of growth

with optimistic cursive handwriting filling up the open page

Her mind is a magnetic masterpiece of mystery

anyone would probably pay to pry open her pretty parietal

just to take a peak at how her gears turn

and why they travel in the ways they choose

Oh, what I would do to explore every fiber of her being.

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