Fuck Distance.

2 0 0

It's starting to hurt now. 

When we began, 

I fell in love with you so quickly

You made it easy

and you fell too

Bliss, really

But as time goes by

It has only gotten worse

I don't cry much

But I feel like it now

More than ever

I love you

But you're not here

And it's fucking hard.

Every time we do see each other

We make the most of it

Not knowing when the next time will be

Or how long we will wait again

and of course, it's always worth the wait.

"I miss you" started out small

Without much weight

But it only grew, the longer we were together

And now sometimes it feels like I'm getting smacked with a 90 pound dumbbell when you tell me you miss me again

or when I tell you I miss you

I've only fallen deeper

in love with you

and I know it's the same for you too

That's what happens when you find your forever.

It's the elephant in the room we just keep avoiding

because maybe if we don't talk about it

It will hurt a little less

I just want to be with you.

It makes we want to scream

so hard my lungs burst at the seams

and my heart spills out on the floor

with blood and tears that trickle their way 





Fuck distance, for existing.

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