Beloved on Earth

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I found you at the top of a staircase

and quickly gathered every ounce of courage I had

down in the depths of my soul

so I could tear open my sewn-shut lips

with a seam-ripper shaped like vulnerability.

My heart, beating so far out of my chest

I could have sworn you saw the exposure

with those ice blue eyes

But instead, your lips parted loosely,

revealing the rasp my ears got addicted to.

Such a little interaction

bloomed into a garden of divine conversations

from Sunrise to Sunset

and now every time the horizon bleeds, 

I long for you;

to be next to me

to feel my hand in yours

to hear the sound of your heartbeat's song

For every time I open up my ears, 

the sky screams your name in reality's silence.

I never dreamed I'd fall for someone behind a screen

But here I am: Smiling like an idiot in the middle of somewhere in America

With a count-down playing in my head

set to burst through the fragments of my brain

the moment my gaze reaches yours.

I don't really know what it will look like, 

But if I could take a guess,

It will be something of a chaotic mess

of my heart,

spilling out for you to fall in-love with.

I don't want to be anyone else's beloved.

And beloved,

I want all of you

until I breathe my last

and go home to my Heavenly Beloved.

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