Word Vomit of Dreams with you.

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You are who I want to do everything with. I want to kiss you in the rain. I want to watch the sun rise and set with you. I want to grow old together. I want to see if my hair turns grey or white. I want to see your hair color change, too. I want to be with you, wherever God calls us to be. I want goodnight kisses and late breakfasts with you. I want to plan our wedding together. I want to make every other eye shield themselves from the heat we hold. I want to dance in the kitchen while cooking with you. I want our "honeymoon stage" to last until our last breath. I want our kids to know without a doubt that Mom and Dad are madly in love with each other. I want to play in the rain with you. I want to jump on the trampoline with you. I want to build a beautiful life with you. I want to worship God with you. I want to hold your hand in church and serve The Lord with you. I want to have and adopt littles with you. I want to ride a Ferris wheel and kiss you at the top, overlooking the night sky. I want to read The Bible and talk about it with you. I want to go on monthly dates with you and dress up like we have the money we don't have. I want to travel with you. I want to pray with you. I want to play-fight with you and giggle like little kids together. I want to mess with you and have little prank wars. I want endless coffee dates. I want to budget together for the things we need and want. I want to get our forever home together. I want to garden with you. I want to decorate and design with you. I want to do things we missed out on kids together. I want to go on picnics and lake days with you. I want to scream about you getting the jobs and dreams you want with you. I want to see your excitement for me when I get mine. I want to give God the glory for all He gives us with you. I want to cry with you. I want to laugh until our stomachs beg us to stop. I want to be your forever wedding date, and have you as mine. I want to get cats and dogs together. I want to serve at church and preach The Gospel together. I want healthy boundaries with each other. I want to go to parks and just walk with you. I want to take care of you when you're sick and I want you to take care of me. I want to see your immediate reaction to finding out I'm pregnant for the first time. I want to go through everything with you. I want to love you deeper as the days go by. I want all of it, with you. I want you, and all your little quirks. I love you. I miss you. We've got this with God on our side, beloved.

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