Drive Re-Defined.

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I want to lay across your legs as you drive


Just talking about anything and everything

And laughing;

Enjoying each other

just for who we are.

I'll turn the music up

loud enough to drown out our screaming voices

"singing" at the top of our lungs

as our vocal cords vibrate in perfect unison.

Drive as far as you want

I'll go anywhere

as long as it's with you

petal to the metal, love.

Let's explore the world together

while The Lord still gives us time here,

so take the long way to the destination

-if there is one-

and make sure it's scenic 

so you can tell me when to sit up and look

at God's created art around us

and talk about the way the trees sway in the wind

or why this particular sunset is better than the others we've seen God paint.

Sounds like a deeper intimacy to me,

than anything the broken world tried to disguise as a counterfeit idea of this

and the lies they tell us about what we should be doing as you drive instead

Oh, my beloved, this is better.

This is more than better.

This is us, purely.

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