Throwing Up Tears

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The lump in my windpipe from missing you

is so large and so threatening tonight

I feel like I'm being gagged

I don't even know why

or how I got here tonight

my day was mundane and normal

but now I keep swallowing to keep down

what could rise up instead

Droplets have been slipping out of my eyes

Slowly and not all at once

I'm barely even crying, really

But all the emotion is there

making me feel everything I'm trying not to

I think I would feel better!

(Probably not)

If I could just make myself throw up all the tears

instead of going through the torment and teasing of "almost"

I just can't bring myself to plunge my own fingers down my throat to do so,

I guess.

And they say torture can be a turn on

Yeah, right.

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