Birthday Tears

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Everyone forgot my 17th birthday!

-Everyone, except my secret boy-

The day before, he asked me my plans for it

expecting a normal response 

one that wouldn't involve him, probably

But I had nothing.

My Mother was too busy to remember

and never made space for plans

which was weird because she always helped plan things like that, 

weeks in advance

I woke up to silence.

Just like every other year, I woke up at 6 am

so I could feel myself turn a new number

but the excitement died this time.

I got ready

I went to school

I (actually) took off of work

and I texted him.

He was surprised I wanted to do anything

It was raining in cold October

and I was crying.

-But I wanted to feel something

He took me to the grocery

Bought me his favorite candy I hadn't tried;

Creating a forever association of him and that chocolate

He took me to the small town public library,

(He didn't mind being seen with me in public?)

Read me children's books 

and smiled at me,

like I was the sun.

He got his best friend to pick us up

in his decked-out sports car

and drove to a graveled patch in the boondocks

where we met a cop, but got away

My world spinning rapid circles

while the gravel flew

the dust and dirt like a surrounding cloud

The adrenaline inside me sp!ked 

Squeezed his hand like it gave me life

My heart was alive

eyes, wide

and he caught my smile like it was contagious

He wasn't my forever,

but he did make me forget my birthday tears.

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