Was the High of it Worth it?

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You must have thought blackout was prettier, or something

because you ripped the lace when my clogged voice couldn't beg you to stop

If I would have had the energy to scream, I would have

If I could see any clearer than the dusty starlight, I might remember

You might have stopped at the fear in my weak expression, 

But because you didn't care about my hazed eyes, 

I let them close when I could no longer keep them open.

You lost your charm that night, 

when I felt you tear my innocence apart;

when I was just a wall to drill your nail into

-A wall you'd forget about-

I'd like to think the violin in the next room 

Was what made my helpless body look enchanted

And you just wanted to be a part of my orchestra

But that sounds like beauty, 

and there was nothing beautiful about it.

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