Duct Tape

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Duct Tape is all fun and games until its holding your lips from parting

until you can't speak, 

or breathe. 

And eleven should be too young to know what that feels like-

Any age should be too young.

But I sat there, as my "friends" held me down

and forced me into that chair of cold, hard metal

Convincing me it was a game

and I was just playing the part of the victim

(just like the movies!)

And then, they took away my glasses;

my sight, 

so everything became blurry

and Dark.

Then they left me-

in the middle of the colorful, girly basement

Turned out the light,

and locked the door behind them. 

Tears were pouring down in streams, 

like my face was a maze of rivers intertwining

and I could no longer tell if my vision was blurry from the lack of sight, or my silent cry.

I don't really know how much time had passed

when she came back for me.

(My concept of time was thrown out the window at that age)

But she did, 

-come back for me-

and I forgave her quickly.

I'll never forget her compassion that day, 

and that  it was only from her.

She first wiped my tears

and gave me back the sight that was stolen from me, 

then ripped off the strip covering my mouth

-fast; so it hurt less-

and I remember smiling, weakly


That girl became one of my best friends for years to come.

As we grew older, 

and closer,

we realized just how fucked up that was.

In college, we were sitting beside each other

and my intrusive memory got the best of me.

It started off with me laughing;

saying, "Remember when..?"

and then I wished I had held my tongue

when her smile flipped

and we sat in silence for a minute

before I thanked her, once again

after all those years

-For being the One who came back for me-

All she gave me then, was a weak smile

and then changed the subject.

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