Just 5:37 on a Mundane Monday Evening.

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One of the most frightening things happened to me tonight
One second I was conscious,
trying to relieve my pain-
The next, I was on the floor
Dropped like a corpse;
-Almost as cold as death-
The temperature in the building was comparable,
as it is January in Boston
and the power had been out for a day and a half
But God
and the little warmth that somehow lingered
kept me breathing

Opening my eyes to the fishbowl ceiling
No recollection of falling to the wooden floorboards,
barely being caught in dainty dancer arms:
The only other soul on the floor of the building at the time
I thank God for her.

Room spinning but I'm iced frozen solid
-Is this what it feels like to be high?
(I wouldn't know)

Surviving on so little sleep
No electricity
In the shiver of winter and
Already sick from a normal cold of season
Almost lost my voice twice:
First for the sickness
Second for the shock.

She told me I hit my head a little
I hit my head.
I can't hit my head.
I can't end up with my brain falling out of my skull.
I'm not my Dad. I'm not my Dad. I'm not my Dad.
Seeing my frantic eyes with hot tears,
she reassured me she caught 80% of the fall and I didn't hit my head /that/ hard, I-
She said I probably didn't have a concussion.
She said I was pale, like Snow White.

An Avalanche of vile contents spewed from my body
and tears streamed down my then flushed cheeks
still not understanding what had happened to me.

My clouded ears barely registered her calling for help
but the next thing I knew,
a friend was kneeling beside me
Informing me I was probably in shock
Gently asking me if he could pick me up and carry me down the two flights of stairs to get to floor level and into the car.
All I could do was nod.

I remember seeing many concerned faces of the friends who've turned into family,
but in a blurred haze.
I felt like even with my glasses on, I couldn't see straight.
I was helpless.

When I entered the vehicle that got me to the Emergency Room
I was weak.
I had never felt weaker in my entire life.
and the weakness felt like torture to this fit body

Someone called for my beloved.
1,388 miles away, probably worrying about me.


Finally, my full name is called
and I'm talking to a doctor that I haven't seen up until this point


Nurse tested for concussion symptoms
-I passed-
I can breathe. I can breathe. I can breathe.

She came with.
Danced to distract me
From the thick needle plunging into my skin



Vasal Vagel Episode, they said.
-Also known as, stress-induced fainting-
You can faint from stress?

Going home,
Still weak.
Still processing.

The only explanation I got was "stress."

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