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In the heart of the vibrant city of Marrington, there exists a magnificent institution known as The Terpsichore—an unparalleled dance school renowned worldwide for nurturing the most prodigious talents. On a day drenched in the golden hues of the sun, as if the heavens themselves have bestowed a blessing upon this sacred place, a gentle breeze caresses the landscape, carrying the faint fragrance of blooming flowers and filling the air with a sense of enchantment and wonder.

Amongst the eager throng of aspiring dancers stands Hwang Hyunjin, a young man of striking elegance whose very presence exudes a magnetic charm. With tousled long locks of blonde and eyes that shimmer like celestial orbs, he possesses a beauty that casts a spell on all who catch a glimpse of him. His graceful stature seems to bewitch onlookers, drawing them like moths to the allure of his presence.

As the grand entrance of The Terpsichore looms before him, Hyunjin feels an exhilarating mix of nerves and excitement flutter in his chest. The golden rays of the sun seem to shower the place with a blessing, and he takes it as a sign that he is exactly where he's meant to be. With each step he takes, his anticipation grows, his heart pounding like a drum in his ears.

He knows that this is no ordinary school—it's a haven for dancers like him, where dreams come alive through movement and expression. The thought of being surrounded by others who share the same passion ignites a fire within him, pushing him forward with determination.

The Terpsichore itself stands as a marvel of architecture, seemingly transcending time with an old-world charm reminiscent of ancient Greek mythological sanctuaries. Its grandiose form mirrors that of a resplendent museum, with each step upon its floors resounding with echoes of history. The walls are adorned with breathtaking murals, immortalizing legendary dancers of bygone eras, whose tales are whispered to those who pass with gentle, age-old wisdom.

As he stands amidst the throng of eager students, he can't help but notice how different he feels from the rest. His tall, elegant figure might draw eyes, but it's his love for dance that truly sets him apart. Hyunjin knows he's not just entering the halls of The Terpsichore; he's entering a world where his passion will be nurtured and celebrated.
The ornate halls of The Terpsichore mesmerize him with their timeless beauty. The murals adorning the walls serve as a reminder of the legendary dancers who came before him, their stories now interwoven with the very fabric of the academy. Hyunjin can't help but wonder if one day his journey will be etched into the walls, inspiring future generations.

As he approaches the head of the academy to submit his admission letter, a mixture of awe and respect washes over him. The head of The Terpsichore, Mr Park Seong-Jun, an enigmatic figure cloaked in an aura of profound knowledge and authority, welcomes him with a knowing smile, as if the threads of fate have already entwined his destiny with that of The Terpsichore, sending a shiver down Hyunjin's spine. It's as if this encounter holds significance beyond his comprehension—a fateful meeting that shapes the course of his life. The mysterious individual emanates an aura of profound knowledge and commanding presence, leaving Hyunjin with a sense that he is about to embark on an extraordinary journey—one that will push him to reach new heights as a dancer.

"Welcome, Hyunjin," Mr Park says, his voice carrying an air of ancient wisdom. "You are born to be a dancer, and destiny has brought you here. It's nice to see you at last."

"Thank you, sir," Hyunjin replies, his voice slightly trembling with excitement and humility. "I feel an indescribable sense of honour and anticipation to be here."

As Hyunjin speaks, a subtle glint sparkles in the head's eyes, hinting at mysteries hidden beneath the surface. With a mysterious aura lingering around them, the head's words seem to carry a weight that reaches beyond mere formalities.

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