Beginning of the Sports Festival

Start from the beginning

I'm now sliding through the tunnel rather than running.

Todoroki is at the front now.

I'm hearing bakugo's Angered screaming as he is flying through the air, propelling forwards with the help of his explosions.

I hear a robotic voice say 'Target found' and then a loud boom. There are huge robots Infront of the crowd, on a field.
Huh? I'm heating someone say it's the same robots from the entrance exam. They had to go through these things in the entrance exam?!

With ease i see Todoroki freeze two of them in place, making them malfunction.

I let a huge and pointy tree grow right through one, making it malfunction. I drink some water and keep running, avoiding all robots possible.

Suddenly, one of the freezed robots are falling onto someone, they'll die!
I'm rushing forwards to the dead mashine and see a red head pop up. Eijiro?! I then see another silver head pop up, Tetsutetsu?

"If it wasn't me someone could've died!" Eijiro shouts before continuing the race. I let out a sigh of relief. Both Eijiros and Tetsutetsu's quirks are similar. Eijiro can Harden his body, and Tetsutetsu can make his body steel.

I hear Eijiro and Tetsutetsu shout to eachother, i see some tears forming in Eijiros eyes, Hm, classic Eijiro. Cries over touching things.
"Our quirks are pretty much the same!" I hear Eijiro shout.

Bakugo immobilises a robot and climbs over it, Sero and Tokoyami following after.

Iida is kicking the smaller robots down as he is running towards the next obstacle.
I see a yellow flash fly towards a smaller robot, Denki, he's gonna get his brain. That idiot!

I see robots falling from the sky. It must be Urarakas doing! I'm proud of her. She is insecure about her quirk, but this is awesome!

I arrive at the next obstacle. It's a death fall straight down. Ropes connecting some cylinder islands of rocks.
"If you fall, you're out!" Present Mic's voice booms through the air. I guess there is some trampolinen ground or something at the bottom.

"It's the fall!" Present Mic's voice is saying. I feel a smile creep onto my face. I already have and idea how to quickly get over this obstacle course.

"Ribbit!" I see Tsu jump out on one of the ropes, quickly crawling over to the first Island.

I see a girl with pink hair getting dragged from Island to island with... Mashines? She calls them 'babies', huh, i think it's Mei Hatsume from the support course.

I jump over the Edge. I hear Midoriya screech in fear as he sees me. A vine shoots out from my palm, swinging me across the islands. Spider man girl version in U.A, hehe.

Present mic's voice is booming through the speakers. I'm not able to hear what he is saying because of the air swishing by my ears.

I see Todoroki slide across the ropes on ice. I'm about to pass him!

I land on the other side and, just like Todoroki, am running towards some red stairs.
"Damn it!" I hear a angry voice shout from behind me. Bakugo is flying in the air, propelling forwards with his explosions.

With a wall of earth i block his path, making him slow down.
"Lower!" I shout and keep running towards the red stairs, Todoroki is just behind me.

I arrive at the final obstacle, huh.
"And now we've finally arrived at the last barrier!" Present Mic's voice is shouting. Todoroki is panting from besides me. It just looks like... A normal field, huh.

"The reality here is... It's a minefield!" Present Mic's voice continues to shout, shit.

Without hesitation i throw myself into the Minefield, just like Todoroki. I get boosted forwards on a bridge of roots. This is draining my energy, but it's worth it.

Boom! Pink smoke is seen just beneath me. I'm seeing some ash-beige and messy hair slowly making it's way forward.

With a vine i pull the boy up on my bridge.
"Don't you dare think that i'm leaving you like that, Honenuki" i shout as i keep running over the field on my bridge of roots.

"Thanks Fuyuko!" He shouts to me.
"Looks like Nimca Fuyuko and Jozu Honenuki is teaming up!" Present Mic's voice is shouting through the speakers, great, all attention is drawn towards me now.

Me and Honenuki, just like Bakugo and Todoroki, are near the end when a huge explosion is heard. Midoriya comes flying on some green metal from the robots. What an amazingly smart move!

He flies past me, Honenuki, Todoroki and Bakugo who are in the front. I start to run again, leaving Honenuki behind. Midoriya is using Todoroki and Bakugo as a last boost as two springboards, before entering the thin tunnel leading back to the arena.

Cheering is heard from the audience. I can't quite make out what Present Mic's voice is saying, but it's something about Midoriya getting the first Place.

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