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Aviva forcefully pushed open the glass door in front of her. The bells above the door jingled cheerfully, and the rich smell of butter, bread, and coffee instantly flooded her nose. Her curls hung limply along her shoulders, drenched from the sudden downpour outside. She flung rainwater from her fingertips, simultaneously swiping the soles of her trainers on the coffee bean-printed welcome mat.

"Hello, darlin'!" The jolly, plump barista called from the other side of the counter. "Oh, look at you! It's pissin' buckets today, isn't it? I've got towels in the back if you need?"

"It's my own fault for ignoring the clouds this morning, but I'm alright though, Erin. Thanks." Aviva sighed, wrangling her wet locks into a messy bun with a dampened satin hair tie atop her head. She peeled her coat off her body, thankful the clothes underneath were still somewhat dry. Her feet gravitated naturally toward a cozy booth in the far corner of the shop. It was her favorite spot; she could survey the café or enjoy a perfect view of the street outside. She settled into the seat; despite appearing worn and faded from years of use, the cushions cradled her body with a comforting familiarity.

Erin slid a steaming cup along the table's surface. The scent of sweet chocolate brought a smile to Aviva's face, and she nodded gratefully toward the woman beside her.

"Alone again?" Erin asked, gently placing a flaky pastry beside the hot chocolate.

Aviva shoved her coat and bag deeper into the booth, wriggling further into the seat. "Yeah, I've been busy, you know?"

The barista wiped her hands down her pristine white apron, patting her round stomach, "Ah, I'm sure you have. Always happy to keep you company, dear." She looked out the window, watching passersby frantically scramble to the nearest awning for shelter from the sky. "Not for long, though, I'm afraid. It's only a matter of time before they all start pourin' in! Better go prepare for the rush, but you let me know if you need anything, right darlin'?" She tapped the table with her knuckle before returning to her spot behind the display cases.

Aviva nodded, bringing the drink to her lips. Steam bloomed around her face as she blew away the heat. The first sip of Erin's hot chocolate was always the best; it warmed her from the inside out and could brighten even the cloudiest of days. Aviva's eyes swept the establishment over the rim of her cup. It was empty, for now; the sound of rain against the windowpane and Erin humming to herself behind the counter added to the relaxed atmosphere.

Aviva picked at the pastry on her plate, chewing thoughtfully as she took in the comfy low lighting and soft neutral colors. The crackling fireplace brought her back to humid summer nights, wild heart beating, and erratic pulses. Love Island was so long ago, but the experience could hardly ever be forgotten. The fame and spotlight proved to be almost too much to handle. Constant television appearances. Inappropriate DMs. Random people accosting her on the streets. Aviva stumbled into Erin's one day to escape the noise; the rest was history. That little café was her safe haven, even after the worst had passed.

Aviva's gaze drifted to the outside world, appreciating the blurry storefront reflections in the water-slicked street. She watched with envy as couples linked hands, screeching giddily as they ducked into stores to escape the rain. After winning Love Island, she finally had the means to open her own tattoo shop. Business hadn't slowed. If anything, the popularity overwhelmed her on a regular basis. People were adamant about working with her, and it was difficult to offload clients onto her employees. So, Aviva worked hard, exhausted but proud and happy to be doing what she loved day in and day out. It took a toll on her, though; romance had been hard to come by with the bit of time she had outside the shop. Her heart twinged.

Aviva was so lost in thought; she hadn't heard the bell signaling another patron entering the café. She peeked around the booth's corner at the sound of heavy boots crossing the creaky wooden floor. Her lips widened into a warm smile when the owner stopped at her side.

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