Chapter 41

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Aviva had never been to a prom before. It was supposed to be a night of fun, a time to let their hair down and not worry about tomorrow. And yet Aviva couldn't help but pore over every aspect of her ensemble. The past few days were especially memorable; she just wanted that feeling to last, down to the very last detail. She changed her lip color at least three times, and it took her half an hour to pick the perfect dangly earrings. She had just finished affixing an elaborate golden cuff to her upper arm when Dana hopped out of her seat.

"I'm done! I'm ready! Can we please go down now?" She begged with clasped hands.

Meera rose from her chair, smoothing out the creases in her dress, "Hmm, I'm ready; what about all of you?"

Gabi nodded and wandered over to Dana, securing her arm around hers. Kat and Aviva checked each other over - quick and curious. Aviva pursed her lips, Kat unwittingly mimicking the expression. As if answering their own unspoken question, the two nodded at one another, standing up at the same time.

"I think that's the most I'll ever see them get along..." Dana whispered in Gabi's ear. Gabi gave a subtle bob of her head in agreement, shifting her eyes to the door when Kat sent an icy scowl her way.

One by one, the girls filed out of the dressing room and descended the staircase. Through the sliding door, they could see just how much the crew had transformed the garden. Meera slid the door open, releasing a puff of breath as she stared up at the glowing fairy lights floating overhead. Dispersed throughout the lawn, fresh, fragrant flowers spilled out of pots and vases. Vibey music poured from a nearby speaker. Tables overflowed with colorful cocktails and buckets of fancy champagne enough to serve a crowd.

It was certainly striking, though nothing could hold Aviva's attention the way Finn could. His hip was perched against one of the drink tables, one hand in his pocket while the other poked one of the lights dangling in front of his face. He wore a crisp, clean cobalt suit, a color that complimented his auburn waves and brilliant green eyes. His locks were brushed back into a tidy low bun; a few strands framed the sides of his face. Whether it was intentional or not, the whole effortlessly sexy thing really worked for him.

Eddie paused his conversation with Alfie, raising his drink as the girls came closer, "There they are!"

Finn turned his focus to the group, searching the line of girls until he homed in right where he wanted to. He scanned Aviva's figure from the bottom to the top, mentally tracing her outline with his gaze. His lips gradually widened into a beaming smile when he reached her face, irises glinting beneath the dimmed lights. In a smooth, graceful movement, Finn stepped away from the table. He slipped past Eddie and Alfie, making a beeline to Aviva on increasingly hurried feet.

Stopping before her, Finn stuffed his hands in his pockets in a way Aviva could only perceive as nervous.

"You clean up nicely," She commented, straightening his collar.

Finn quickly found his characteristic poise, removing his hands from his pockets, "I know I do, but you," he took her hand, "you're shining brighter than the sun."

He lifted their joined hands, silently requesting her to twirl. She spun in place slowly, allowing him to appreciate her beauty from every angle. Aviva giggled, sheepishly covering her mouth with her other hand. Finn lowered their hands, unable to stand another second without her in his arms.

He pulled her close, "Look at you. Blindingly gorgeous. How'd I get so lucky?"

"You are lucky, aren't you?" Aviva playfully teased.

Her mischievousness quickly waned under his all-consuming passion. When he kissed her smile, it was fueled by something greater. The love they felt for one another was transcendent. If it was that powerful, Aviva wondered what it would feel like after more time when they were finally alone; how much harder would her heart beat for him?

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