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**Author's Note**  Is Finn all cheek and charm? Let's take a little peek at what's going on in that beautiful head of his ;)

Sexual connection with Kat? Why? Why did he have to say that?

Kat had a laundry list of insecurities, and he tried to reassure her when he could because she really was a lovely girl. For that, she clung to him and refused to let go. If anything, she seemed to be the only one who felt that intense physical attraction, what with her constantly hugging and kissing him all the time. Her presence was stifling in the worst ways.

If he had been truly honest, he would've said that those raw urges were purely for Aviva as soon as he'd seen her in the garden. Completely out of nowhere, she sent his entire world off-kilter.

Her beautiful hazel eyes had a way of drawing him in and betraying all her emotions. They'd take on a darker hue when she was sad and shine brightly when she was playful, but the vibrancy that overcame them while she watched him when she thought no one was looking would forever be his favorite color.

The feeling of her soft body against him, his strong hands absorbing the heat of her dangerously enticing curves, sent his dopamine synapses into a frenzy. It took every ounce of resolve to keep little Finn at bay, to respect her in the way she deserved, but it couldn't stop his mind from conjuring the most lascivious thoughts about them together.

Her scent drove him crazy, a mouthwatering blend of citrus and candy floss that tempted him to stay close. It made him want to dive his hands into that luscious mane of caramel curls, pull her gorgeous lips to his mouth, and devour her in one go.

She held herself with the alluring mystery of a freshly bloomed rose, a quiet beauty with hidden depths protected by a layer of jagged thorns. But he could see that past her barbed exterior, amongst her delicate petals, was a sweet and sensitive soul, no matter how much she tried to hide it from him. He'd withstand a lifetime of forehead flicks and her patented eye rolls if it meant she'd talk to him, really talk to him, so he could learn everything about her.

Because he really wanted to know everything about her.

And that. That was terrifying.

The very idea of opening himself up to someone else again frightened him. So much so that he'd spent the majority of his adult life living frivolously. With his handsome looks, laidback personality, and good humor, it wasn't hard for him to capture the attention of a woman, let alone get her into his bed. It felt easy, and natural. And after what he'd been through, it was enough.

If he had been truly honest, he would've said that he could never be good enough for a girl like Aviva. She deserved someone kind. Someone dependable. More than that, she deserved someone brave.

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