Chapter 34

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Aviva always tried to plan for as many possible outcomes as possible to avoid even the slightest inconvenience. But this show had put her through the wringer. She could never anticipate anything except drama, drama, and more drama. How could she prepare for this moment? Standing at the firepit with Finn on the other side, looking hopeful and worried altogether. Beside him, Eddie shifted from one foot to the other, the flames of the fire further illuminating his nervousness.

Everyone else was seated around the pit with their partners. Lulu with Suresh, Dana with Gabi, Meera with Alfie, and Arlo with Pete. In a moment, someone's phone would ping, and Aviva prayed it would be hers. Kat's foot tapped impatiently against the wooden floor. She kept lifting her phone to her face as if a new message was there, and she simply hadn't heard it go off. If Kat went first, Aviva knew she'd choose Finn out of spite. After everything she'd been through this summer, Aviva wished for one good thing. Just this one good thing to make everything worth it. Let the producers be on her side for once.


The quiet pushed against her ears.


She tugged at her curls out of habit.

Let it be me, please...

And then it happened. Her phone buzzed in her hand.

"I...I got...I got a text..." Aviva breathed shakily.

She looked down at the screen.

Aviva, please choose the boy you'd like to couple with.

"Holy...holy" She could scarcely believe it was finally happening.

Finn heaved a sigh, his pearly white teeth glinting as his lips stretched into a grin.

"Oh my God, um...I—" Aviva couldn't stop herself from glancing at Kat. Her fellow islander kept her eyes fixed on the ground, bottom lip quivering as she tried to rein in her emotions. Aviva inhaled; this was the moment she'd been waiting for. For weeks, it was all she wanted, and now that it was finally here, she didn't know what to say.

"Go on, Aviva!" Lulu encouraged from the sidelines, "You can do it!"

"Yes, thanks, Lulu. Um, okay, wow! This is crazy! Ahhh...!"

Jesus, you're embarrassing yourself, Aviva. Stop rambling.

She blew out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, "Okay, okay, I'm picking this boy because...well because he's it for me. He makes me smile. Like really smile to the point my face starts hurting. And he hears me, even when I have nothing to say out loud. And he's so beautiful, inside and out, I don't know what to do with myself most days." Aviva confidently held Finn's adoring stare, "I know we haven't taken the most conventional route. And we've gotten ourselves in a lot of trouble for it..." She paused, eyes darting over Kat and Alfie before continuing, "but honestly, it's all been worth it because I really haven't felt this happy for so long. So that's why I choose Finn."

"Sorry, say that again. I think I still have pie in my ears." Finn joked, tugging at his earlobe.

Aviva rolled her eyes dramatically, "Get over here, you muppet." She outstretched her hands, beckoning him toward her.

Finn took two short steps, eventually rushing over and crashing against her with the force of all his happiness and relief. He caged her in his arms, tightening his hold as he lifted her from the ground for a quick spin. His smile was wide and bright, eyes glowing in the firelight with every kiss he peppered all over her face.

Her cheeks and stomach felt sore from laughter, she could barely hear the applause and congratulations from the rest of the group. Their excitement simmered down, though the feelings between them continued to burn as hot as the flames before them.

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