Chapter 12

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Aviva adjusted her baseball cap to block the bright daylight from her eyes. She'd been lying on a lounger, soaking up the sunshine, deepening the color of her already bronzed skin. Running on so little sleep for the past two days, Aviva decided to take it easy, choosing to relax instead of mingling with her fellow islanders. She probably looked like such an anti-social weirdo, constantly slinking off on her own. Hopefully, the public would understand her point of view and wouldn't judge her too harshly. Peace was difficult to come by in a villa full of nosey roommates.

The peace was short-lived as a bony elbow pressed into her side. Aviva cracked her eyes open, scowling at the offender.

"Be quiet, and don't move." Kat murmured through the side of her mouth. Her droopy sunhat hung low over her bug-eyed sunglasses. She stretched her body on the neighboring lounger and stilled. "Pretend you're sleeping. They're talking about us."

Aviva frowned deeper. She was surprised at how quickly she located Finn's voice. He was talking with Alfie in a low, conspiratorial tone. She strained her ears to make out their conversation.

"...don't worry, they're having a kip. So tell me, who's catching your eye?" Finn spoke quietly.

"It's Aviva, innit? She's kind of special...I don't know. I just want to get to know her, but she..." Alfie's words trailed away. Aviva could feel his eyes on her. "I can't get a read on her. Do you think you can find out what she thinks about me? You two are friends, right?"

The pause between them went on far longer than needed. Finn cleared his throat. "Ehm, yeah, 'course, mate. I'll ask her later." He sounded abnormally despondent.

"Nice! Thanks, mate – you're really doing me a solid." Alfie cheered. Aviva peeked her eyes open, watching him sling an arm around Finn's rugged shoulders, playfully shaking him about. "Maybe we can talk strategy or something. You seem like you know what you're doing with Kat; maybe you can give me some tips!"

"Sure, man. You've come to the right guy." Finn smiled wistfully. The two men stood up and walked to the bar while Alfie continued to ask Finn for Aviva intel.

Kat flipped the brim of her hat over her forehead and tilted her glasses down on the bridge of her nose. "Oh my days, did you hear that? Finn knows what he's doing with me! I mean, obviously, especially after last night." She bit her lower lip seductively.

"That's literally not what he said." Aviva squinted at her neighbor from under her cap. "In fact, he didn't really say anything." She sat up, feeling oddly defensive. "Also, you were snoring last night, so if there's anything he 'knows what he's doing', it's putting you to sleep."

"I don't snore!" Kat screeched.

"You do."

"I do not!"

"You actually do. I thought it was a lorry coming through the garden, but then I looked over, and there you were. Mouth open and everything." Aviva laid back down, wiggling her cap lower onto her head. She closed her eyes and lay back down, enjoying the feeling of the sun washing over her bare legs.

She could hear Kat puff out an irritated breath. "Whatever, Aviva. Maybe he's just put me to sleep after wearing me out. Did you think about that?"

Aviva opened her mouth to retort when her phone sounded with a shrill ping. "I got a text!" She shouted.

It's time to get your snog on for a game of 'Kiss the Islander Who...'! Please head over to the challenge stage. #PuckerUp #LetsGetLippy

"Oh! Now this is my kind of challenge!" Kat hopped up excitedly, with no signs of annoyance from their previous spat, and made a mad dash to the stage.

This is going to be interesting...

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