Chapter 18

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Saoirse threw her head back with a cackle. "Why'd you have to say it like that?!"

Aviva munched on her late-night snack, fighting her own laughter. "Because that's literally how it feels! Like the bloody Sahara down there."

"I'm sure Alfie would be more than happy to help you with that." Saoirse swiped a tear from her eye.

"Do you think Alfie's a giver?" Aviva questioned in earnest. She took a sip of beer and grimaced; perhaps she should've waited another couple of days before she started drinking again.

"Absolutely. An enthusiastic one, in fact."

"Maybe too enthusiastic. I feel like he would stop every few seconds to ask if it feels good and then might even send a survey after for extra assurance."

Saoirse chuckled, shaking her head as she aimed and landed her empty crisp packet in the rubbish bin. "So I take it that romance is completely off the table with him?"

"You saw the date footage; we're going to be friends for now." Aviva thought for a second. "Maybe friends forever. I'm just not feeling it if I'm honest."

"I personally don't think you can force a spark." Saoirse removed her glasses and rubbed at her eyes. She fixed her gaze on Aviva, hard and probing. "But when it is there, you should light it up."

Aviva looked everywhere but at her new companion.


"Nooo, can we please not?" Aviva covered her face and flopped back into her chair.

Saoirse sat up straighter. "Oh sure, I can save it for the camera if you'd prefer, but I won't go easy on you."

"Ugh! Fine! What! What do you want me to say?" Aviva cried, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"This is more for you than for me. I just want you to be honest with yourself. How do you expect to move on if you won't allow it?" Saoirse said sincerely.

"What do you mean 'I won't allow it'? You don't think I've been trying?"

"No. You haven't been. Not hard enough, at least."

Aviva's eyes widened, mouth hanging open in shock. "What are you talking about?"

Saoirse sighed. "You know I can't say too much. But I think that you're feeling more for a certain someone than you'd care to admit, for whatever bull-headed reason."

"It doesn't matter. That certain someone made his choice, and it clearly has nothing to do with me. And I just...I just have to accept that." Aviva nibbled at her thumbnail.

Saoirse rubbed her temples, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them, she seemed conflicted, torn between contractual obligations and those of a friendlier nature. She looked as though she were about to cave when a knock startled them both out of their seats. Ultimately, Saoirse's professional priorities seemed to win out as she relaxed her facial expression and stood to answer the door.

Aviva strained her neck to see who was waiting outside. Saoirse spoke in a hushed tone, though every now and then, she'd giggle like a schoolgirl, confirming Aviva's suspicions it must be her new beau. Aviva threw away the evidence of their late-night meeting and stood by Saoirse. Despite the lack of light outside, she could still see the growing blush on Charlie's face as she observed him a second longer.

"Well, well! Good to see you, Charlie." Aviva said with a widening smile.

The Scotsman towered over them both, his large, muscular body filling the entirety of the already relatively wide doorway. He sent Aviva a sheepish grin and stepped to the side. "You too, Aviva. Just coming to get this one." He nodded to Saoirse.

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