Chapter 35

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Aviva cracked an eye open, awoken to the sound of heavy silence and birds chirping in the early morning. Finn slept soundly next to her, features completely obscured by his untidy auburn locks. His mouth hung open, eyelashes fluttering against his skin. She reached out from under the duvet to brush his hair away, fingers hovering a few centimeters above him before tickling his nose instead. Finn grumbled, pawing at his face with sleep-laden hands. He frowned in his sleep, turning his head away but setting his arm around her middle.


They had only about a week and a half left in the villa. As Aviva watched Finn sleep, she thought deeply about what would come next. He lived in Dublin; she lived in London. That was about a six-hour direct train ride, not including actually getting to each other's respective homes. He had a brewery; she had her sights set on a few empty storefronts around town that would be perfect for starting a business. It was one thing to be on a fast track to love in the villa, it was another to leave and go back to regular old daily life. How would they make time for each other? What would their friends and family say? Was she ready to move and start over somewhere else? Was he?

"It's too early for all that thinking..."

Aviva shook her head at the sound of Finn's low, gravelly voice, "How do you know I was—"

"Why else would you be awake at this time of day?" Finn groaned, flipping over onto his back and stretching his limbs as far as they'd go. He slid an arm beneath her neck, scooping her up with care.

"Hm...I was just appreciating all this."

"And thinking."

She splayed her fingers out on his bared chest, tracing random patterns on his skin, "I'm always thinking."

"...About me?"

"You wish." Aviva snorted. She heaved a relenting sigh, "There are a lot of things on my mind. But..."


Aviva paused. It was definitely too early. Not just in the morning but in their relationship. They only just got together properly. There was some truth to what Suresh had said of their time together; everything between them moved so fast. Aside from his inability to keep it in his pants, she and Suresh practically sprinted through each stage of their relationship, and the results were far from what she'd intended. She didn't want to make the same mistakes with Finn, and judging by his own past, she imagined he wouldn't want to rush things either.

Aviva met his sleepy gaze, firm in her decision to avoid the topic entirely, "Buuut, the number one thing is what would you like for breakfast?"

Finn smiled softly, searching her eyes. He could see she was holding back, reading the hesitation in her hazel stare, but much to Aviva's relief, chose not to press the issue, "Oh? Breakfast in bed?"

She grinned, tucking his hair behind one ear, "No better way to start a morning."

"I mean..." Finn began, fingers drawing circles along her shoulder.

"Cheeky...I'm not on the menu."

"Then I guess I'll have to settle for eggs and toast," Finn said, sounding mildly disappointed.

Aviva slipped out of his grasp to swing her legs over the side of the bed. Her movements were halted by Finn's arm circling around her hips. She twisted her torso to face him, running her hand through his hair.

"Is that all?"

"For now," Finn replied, slowly releasing her from his hold, "only just promise you'll talk to me? You know, when you're ready?"

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