Chapter 29

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Anticipation washed over Aviva's in waves; it soaked her through, colored with urgency and distinct apprehension. She couldn't stop herself from bouncing on the balls of her feet, fighting the restlessness that seemed to have possessed her limbs. After five grueling days, it was time for the villa boys to return from their trip to Casa Amor.

Since the second day with the newest islanders, everything had been a blur. The awkward tension with Kat, the weird connection building with Gabi, Nicholas's unmistakable interest; it all came and went in a flash. But if there was anything Aviva couldn't ignore, it was the postcards they'd received from Casa Amor on the third day. It showed all the original villa boys in rather compromising positions. She could still remember every inch of Finn's muscular torso covered in poppy pink lipstick, forever immortalized in a small ten by fifteen-centimeter piece of paper. When she'd seen it the first time, Aviva automatically assumed it was from the Raunchy Race challenge from later on day two. She felt confident in that fact because, at the villa, she was the one who had to kiss the boy with the largest feet of all things (which happened to be Nicholas, much to his delight). She could still taste and feel the slick coconut tanning oil from his chest around her mouth. On the one hand, she couldn't be mad at Finn, knowing the context of the situation. On the other, he had the nerve to look happy; whether it was authentic or not was debatable.

And so there she was, a battle of emotions swarming inside her. Finn was careless enough to mess around with her behind Kat's back; who was to say he wouldn't do it with some random girl in Casa Amor? But at the same time, she buzzed with excitement, eager to see his smile directed at her and only her. In a few moments, the villa boys would walk through the door, and everyone would have made their choices.

The villa girls had made their choices, too. Gabi and the new boys stood at the other side of the fire pit, seemingly calm despite the circumstances.

The fire crackled between the two groups, flames rising higher to the star-spangled sky. Johnny was the first to break the silence, "Is it too late to make one more push?"

"Five days of grafting wasn't enough for you?" Pete asked, leaning forward to look down the line of islanders to see Johnny more clearly.

"If it'll help my chances," Johnny began, turning to look in Aviva's direction, "then I'll take it."

Aviva averted her eyes to the villa doors, wondering how much longer this whole thing would last.

Arlo's phone pinged in her hand, "Oh! Text! Looks like your time's up, Johnny, love. Dana, you're first."

Johnny's lower lip jutted forward in a dramatic pout, overcome with the heavy weight of loss. Dana took a deep breath, eyes closing as she found her composure.

"We all know who you're picking! Just get on with it already." Kat hassled.

Dana took two steps forward, shooting a disapproving glare at Kat, "Ahem, I'm picking this person because they're a big ball of energy and fun. Not to mention absolutely gorgeous. I'm excited to see where this goes. Gabi."

"I'm excited, too!" Gabi said, taking a few long steps toward her new partner. The pair kissed each other on both cheeks, a gesture that seemed more friendly than romantic, but Aviva didn't care. She was more focused on the fact that Gabi would be sticking around longer than she'd hoped. It wasn't that she hated her per se; it was more the fact that there was a story between them that she wished would just die already. No matter how many times she tried to move on, it kept resurrecting itself with more life and vigor each time.

The villa door flew open, revealing Eddie, alone and happy, until his eyes found Dana's. His ginger pace morphed into heavy stomps as he made his way closer to the group.

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