Chapter 31

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**Author's note** Hello, hello~ it's been so long since I've updated, and I apologize for the delay. I've been on the grind with work and just got back from a very long trip abroad! But I'm back and refreshed and excited to dive back into it, especially with the newest LITG season release...God help us all! Can't wait to start cooking up some new fan fiction for the latest season. Until then, thanks for sticking around, and enjoy the rest of the story :)

" just...trusted him to do it?" Saoirse asked carefully, opening a fresh bag of crisps.

"Yeah," Aviva confirmed after swallowing down her food, "should I not have?"

The redhead lifted her narrow shoulders into a delicate shrug. "No, no, no. I'm just wondering how long it'll take him to do it."

"Ugh, Saoirse, sow your seeds of doubt somewhere else. I'm trying to be optimistic." Aviva grumbled, massaging her forehead with her fingers.

"I get that. I'm not trying to turn your head. I just want to make sure you're getting the most out of the rest of your time here. I wouldn't want you to waste any more waiting around for him." Saoirse clarified. She stood up to shake her shirt out, tiny crumbs tumbling out from her chest onto the floor.

Aviva tilted her head thoughtfully, pursing her plush lips in response to the comment, "I think it'll be fine. And if not," She tipped her head in the other direction  as if weighing the ideas around in her brain, "I'm staying single for the rest of my life."

Saoirse tossed her head back with a hearty laugh, "Bit dramatic, don't you think?"

"It's survival instinct at this point. If none of this works out, I'm so over it, I swear."

Maybe she was being more hyperbolic than necessary, but the longer Aviva entertained the idea, the less crazy it seemed. Perhaps not for life, but what would be so wrong about taking more time for herself? To focus on her career and not so much on idyllic romance and fancy? Having the perfect partner played no part in her formula for success. It was just a bonus. Maybe she was more interested in the money than she originally thought.

"Your wheels are spinning." Saoirse observed keenly, "What're you thinking?" She swiped her crumby hands on the sides of her joggers. Aviva couldn't stop herself from smiling. She'd never get used to seeing the usually prim and proper producer in such a state of disorder.

Aviva's smile widened into a sharp grin, "I'm just thinking you're a slob."

Saoirse scoffed, eyes rolling in annoyance as she attempted to correct her posture, presumably to save some dignity.

It was far too late for that.

"I'm off—"

"—off the clock, yes, I know." Aviva chuckled at her friend's offense. She sighed loudly, throwing herself back into the cushiony embrace of the chair. "I guess I'm just realizing how real this all is. We're so close to the end, and I feel like I'm only now just seeing how much is at stake. Soon I'll have to go back to living my normal life—"

"Oh Aviva, my sweet, naïve little morsel. Nothing about your life will be normal after this summer." Saoirse interrupted as her head tipped to rest her cheek atop her waiting fist. "Imagine all the different variables. You could be fifty thousand pounds richer. Or twenty-five if you choose to split. You could have a new partner. Or you could be single. You could pack your bags before the end..." She continued to list off the possibilities on her free hand. When she ran out of fingers, Saoirse lifted her head from her fist and rattled off a few more.

"How reassuring for the overcomplicated thinker..." Aviva mumbled facetiously.

"Okay, okay. Let's do bigger picture. When all's said and done, there's one major thing that'll be consistently different."

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