"What dress?" I asked the two girls holding up a black dress and an emerald green one.

"The black one" Alina said

"Yeah I agree" pansy replied

"The black it is!" I said hanging the green back up in my wardrobe.

I went into the bathroom to change.

It was a long sleeve dress which would cover my dark mark and was tight and short.

I curled my hair and put on my makeup.

I went with a pair of black heels and a snake necklace.

Pansy was wearing a tight lilac dress and Alina was wearing a navy blue floaty one.

I spritzed my perfume and we headed to the party.

The common room was packed with Slytherins but we still managed to find Draco, Blaise and Theo at the drinks stand.

"You look pretty" Blaise said to pansy kissing her forehead.

They had been dating since the end of last year.

The pair left to dance and Draco poured me a drink.

I stood watching the party around me whilst I drank my drink.

I could see pansy and Blaise dancing together, they were a cute couple.

The cups had been spelled to refill after they were empty which was handy.

I must have had at least 5 when I decided I was going to dance.

I set my cup down and set off to the dance floor.


I woke up the next morning to ice cold water being dumped on my head.

"What the fuck!" I yelled at pansy and Alina who were giggling like toddlers.

"Morning sunshine" Pansy said still laughing

"Piss off I have a headache!" I groaned holding my head

The lights in the room felt like they were burning holes in my eyes!

"Do you remember last night?" Alina asked chuckling

"Not really but by your expressions it's something bad, go on what did I do?" I said bracing myself for the answer

"Well you decided after a few drinks that you wanted to dance but you didn't want to dance alone so you dragged draco with you" Alina started

"You two were dancing together happily until we looked back over and couldn't see you, we looked around and saw you straddling Draco as you made out!" Pansy finished

Oh god.

"Oh my god please tell me your joking" I said in disbelief

"Nope!" The two girls giggled

"I need to go and talk to Draco" I said getting up

"Looking like that?" Alina pointed out

She had a point.

My hair was everywhere, my makeup was dragging down my face and I was still in my dress.

I decided to clean up a bit first.

I cast a hangover charm clearing my headache and brushed my hair.

I then slid on a plain tracksuit and headed to Draco's dorm.

I knocked and he soon opened the door.

"Oh y/n hi" he said letting me in

"I'm guessing your here about last night?" He inquired

"I'm sorry I was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly.." I started but he cut me off

"Y/n don't apologise I'm not complaining about being kissed by someone as gorgeous as you"

Did he just call me gorgeous?

"I've wanted to kiss you for so long" he added

What the fuck is happening?

"You what?" I said in disbelief

"Y/n don't deny it we both know we like each other" he said

Wait he likes me back?

"I never knew you liked me back" I said

"So you admit you do like me" he said

"Yes" I replied

That's clearly all he needed to hear as he crashed his lips onto mine.

What the hell is happening?

We kissed passionately for a while before I pulled back.

"Draco we can't" I said

"Why not?" He asked

"My father he will kill us" I said

"So we don't tell him" he said

"He'll find out he's got people everywhere, Snape for example" I answered

"Then we keep it all a secret" he said

"A secret relationship?" I asked

"Exactly, we can be together without getting people killed" he said

"Please give me a chance you won't regret it" he added

Something about his voice just made it so easy to say yes.

"If we do this nobody can know, not even our friends" I insisted

"Deal" he said and resumed making out with me.

His hands fell to my waist as he walked me backwards towards the bed.

Was I really doing this?

Dating Draco after all this time?


Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz