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It's been the longest two weeks of my life, waiting for Jessica to contact me with the results from the paternity test. Results that will either confirm my suspicions or prove them false. Because not once did we ever forget to use protection.

Not once.

I know better.

There should be no way in bloody hell Evelyn Graham is carrying my child. And I can't get to the hospital fast enough.

Jessica is smiling when I walk in, but I'm nervous. There's nothing she could say to me that would make the results any easier to digest.

"Someone's a bit anxious." She teases. Reaching into her pocket to pull out the reason I'm here.

Snatching it from her hands, I tear open the envelope responsible for my current lack of sleep and pull the results out to read them.

The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9998%...

Clenching the test results in my hand, I feel like the walls are closing in on me.

How could she do this?

After thanking her, I storm out of Jessica's office. Ignoring her congratulations on the way out. Then I instruct Benji to search for Evelyn until he finds her.

"She's finishing up a procedure at the hospital as we speak." He informs me.

"Good. Take me there."

With a worried look on his face, Benji nods and takes me to her office. Ironically, it's where we first met all those years ago. Where I was intrigued by her the first time I laid eyes on her. Granted, I also thought she was a bit clumsy. Which I've come to know is a good indication that she might be flustered.

Never would I have guessed that she could be this calculating.

This conniving.

But it's clear, now, that I'm wrong.

"Alexander?" Professor Rollins calls out my name. "To what do we owe the p-"

"Where is she?" I cut him off. Not in the mood for idle chit chat.

"Is everything alright?"

"Where. Is. She?"

Pointing to the hallway behind him, he tells me, "Her office was moved to the end of the hall closest to the bathroom." Then he quickly adds. "But if you plan to upset her, I'd caution you not to. Her condition is rather fragile."

Duly noted.

Still don't care.

After thanking him, I make my way to her office just in time to catch her coming out of it. She smiles when she sees me coming, but her smile soon fades when she notices the angry look on my face.

Backing her into her office, I close and lock the door behind me. Stalking towards her until I have her pinned against the wall. Then I hold the paternity results up for her to see.

"How did you do it?" I ask.

"What?" She frowns. Confused. "How did I do what?"

"I always wear a condom, Evelyn. Always. You know this. So how the bloody hell are you pregnant with my child? Was it a turkey baster in the bathroom?"

DARK HEARTS - BILLIONAIRE MARRIAGE CONTRACT ROMANCETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang