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My heart is thudding like a Congo drum in my chest, while my eyes are still glued to the spot where Alexander stood mere moments ago. Looking sexy as hell in his three-piece suit and every bit the fantasy of every woman known to man.

Sam places his hand on the small of my back to usher me inside. But my heart wishes to follow in the direction Alexander has just gone.

Even after months of his continued silence and indifference.

"Why was he here?" I turn my accusatory gaze to my mom. "What are you up to?"

"I have a feeling I know what it is." Sam surprises me by saying.

Frowning, I turn to face him, and he sighs.

"I'm all ears."

"King Technologies is going under." He informs me. "The Kings had their eyes on Bishop Riggs, but when he agreed to work with you instead... their latest project was left without a much-needed puzzle piece. It had to be shelved."

There's a spark in his eyes when he speaks of the Kings' demise. Like the prospect of them losing it all excites him.

"The Kings are your direct competition, are they not?" I ask.

"Yes. And it's about time they finally get what they deserve."

Curious, I ask him, "And how much of that was orchestrated by you?"

Sam's smile fades and he regards me with cautious eyes.

"Are you asking me if I secretly hope for the King's demise?" He asks. Holding my gaze for a moment before nodding. "Yes... absolutely. But all I did was make the introduction. You and Bishop did the rest. Also, I won't apologize or lose any sleep over helping you beat him to the punch. He's an asshole."

Having been involved in a few corporate takeovers myself, I know just how nasty these things can get and how enemies can be made. So, I don't fault Sam for not liking Alexander. No one ever likes the one who wears the crown, because they despise how they got there. But at the same time, he doesn't know Alexander like I do.

The tortured soul who trusts no one because he can't afford to.

The dark heart who craves to belong to something bigger than himself, but is too afraid to admit that he's lonely in that tower he built for himself.

Turning to my mother, I tell her, "Whatever you're up to... mom... don't."

"You should be focused on Mr. Tisdale, chile... not me."

Except, I know when my mother is up to something. And whatever it is... Alexander has something to do with it. Only, I'm not sure if he's a willing participant or a pawn.

"You look vexed." Sam studies me closely. "Please tell me Alexander King has nothing to do with it."

"Did you know he would be here?" I ask.

"Why? Does his presence here bother you that much?"


His tone sounds accusatory, and the look he's giving me is even worse. He's questioning me like he doesn't trust me. Which is a big issue for him.

Sam has been hurt many times in business. And even though I'm not like any of his previous business companions, my relationship with Alexander constantly comes up in conversations that lead to an argument between us. Add the fact that I refuse to sleep with Sam, and it leads to a very frustrated man who's used to getting what he wants.