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There's roaring in my ears, my head is pounding, and the room has started to tilt. Throwing my equilibrium off balance. The room erupts into gasps and Alexander is upon me in a heartbeat. Catching my falling body in his arms before I have a chance to collide with the floor.

Then I promptly throw up all over his very nice and very expensive shirt.

The stress of the situation having gotten the better of me.

When I told Professor Rollins about the baby, it was in the strictest of confidence.

I didn't expect this.

He wasn't supposed to tell anyone, most of all the Kings.

And my mother... don't even get me started.

I knew they'd force me to keep this baby, which is why I chose not to tell anyone. But professor Rollins has taken that decision out of my hands. As if my life isn't stressful or hectic enough without adding my family and the King's into it. Not to mention Alexander and I aren't on the best of terms.

He believes I've done something I didn't, and he hates me for it. The last thing I want is to be tied to someone for the rest of my life that I can't have. I went through that with Jackson, and it destroyed both my heart and my confidence.

I don't want to go through that shit again.

"I'm not keeping this baby." I announce. Filling the room with gasps, protests, and shocked faces while I steady myself.

Alexander's angry gaze finds mine, but he has yet to say anything else to me. He just quietly laments me with his eyes.

"She's impossible." Mary scoffs. Shaking her head. "And she wonders why she can't keep a man."

Excuse me?

Shocked she would pick now of all times to throw this up in my face, I head for the door. Only, the room starts spinning again and Alexander must catch me a second time.

"Sit." He commands. And when I give him a look that says I will do no such thing, he softens his gaze to add, "Please."


It's not like I can walk anyway.

Reluctantly, I sit back down. Grateful for the relief from Vertigo when I do.

"When was the last time you've eaten?" Professor Rollins shifts into doctor mode.

"An hour ago."

He shines a light in both my eyes and checks my pulse. Which is normal. Well, until my mother takes my inability to leave as her opportunity to get how she feels off her chest.

My stress levels go through the roof and my ability to function as a human somehow deteriorates. Forcing Professor Rollins to make everyone leave the room but Alexander and me.

"What's wrong with her?" Alexander asks.

Dare I say he even sounds a bit concerned.

"In my medical opinion, I believe the stress of the situation is taking its toll on her." Professor Rollins confides.

"How can I help?"

"Evelyn needs to rest. Preferably in a stress-free environment."

"Say no more." Alexander nods.

He leaves while Professor Rollins finishes his examination of me. Returning a short time later to sit down beside me. Though, he's still not talking.