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Two weeks have passed without so much as a word from Evelyn. And each day that passes unravels me more and more. Especially since my father's funeral is tomorrow and Evelyn has been the one person I could always lean on, who didn't have any expectations of me.

Other than not betraying her.

Which I've failed miserably at.

I sold her mother those shares when I thought she was making a move on King Technologies. Which, I've come to realize, wasn't the case at all. She was a pawn in Sam's plan, much as I was a pawn in her mother's plan to win back the company we took from her.

And I should've seen it coming.

"If you pace the floor any harder we'll need to replace the carpet." My mum watches me worriedly.

"I can't do this without her." I sigh. "Only, I've made a dog's dinner of things and I can't blame her for not speaking to me."

"She's still your wife, Zandy," she points out. "She hasn't filed for divorce, and that has to count for something."

"Or maybe she has and the next time I see her it will be to serve me with papers."

The doorbell chimes as my mother attempts to calm my nerves, and several moments later, Evelyn walks in looking as beautiful as ever. Her eyes zeroing in on me before they lower to the envelope she holds in her hands.

An envelope large enough to contain divorce papers.

My heart thuds wildly in my chest with each step she takes toward me. Then she hands me the envelope without so much as a word. Only, I can't bring myself to open it.

"I've been trying to reach you for two weeks. Why the hell have you not answered me?" My words come out angrier than I intended.

I'm used to women falling at my feet, not forcing me to chase after them. And Evelyn has always been the exception.

"My apologies. I was busy trying to save the company you handed to my mother on a silver platter." She replies in a venomous tone.

She's angry with me and she has every right to be.

"Tomorrow we lay his father to rest, and regardless of what is going on between the two of you, I'd like you to join us." My mum extends an invitation. Making it harder for Evelyn to refuse. She respects my mum too much, unlike me at the moment.

Evelyn nods as expected, and my mother and sister leave us alone to speak in private. Only, silence consumes the space around us. There's so much I wish to say to her, but I am at a loss for words.

I'm used to being betrayed, not doing the betraying. So, I've never had to utter an apology in all my life. But for this tiny, fiery, gorgeous woman standing before me, I'd be willing to do anything if it meant getting back in her good graces. Or seeing her look at me the way she used to.

With eyes filled with hope, love, and everything that comes with it.

"I'm sorry." I offer her an apology. Even though the unfamiliar words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. "For betraying your trust the way I did... for keeping it from you... and for turning the beauty of what we have into... this."

"Had." She corrects me. "The beauty of what we had."

Her words are like a fist around my heart. Slowly closing and clenching until I can hardly breathe.

"Fuck you." I drag a hand through my hair. "Fuck you if you think I would ever give you up without a fight. I won't.And I don't care how many blokes you line up to piss me off, Evelyn. We belong together. You and me. I can't promise you I'll be perfect, or that I won't fuck up royally as I've already done. But what I can promise you is that I won't stop fighting for this." I motion between the two of us. "Because... I don't want anyone else."