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When I emerge from her room, clean and dressed, I head back into the kitchen where Evelyn is currently preparing a meal for dinner later. But her mood has changed. Well, toward me at least.

Elijah can do no wrong in her eyes.

It must be nice to be a kid whose mum adores him so.

Trying not to be jealous of a twelve year old kid who has no clue how good he's got it, I make my way over to Evelyn, wrap my arms around her waist, and press kisses into her neck.

"Stop." She wriggles out of my grasp. Like she doesn't want me touching her.

"Is something wrong?" I ask. Turning her around to face me.

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't want kids?" She asks. Choosing now to confront me on this.

Lie to her, the devil on my shoulder tells me. But she deserves my honesty.

"Evelyn, all my life I've been told what to do, how to act, and who to be for the sake of the family. So, when my mum told me I would need to have a child to carry on the family name, it was yet another decision that was taken away from me. Another choice forced upon me that wasn't mine, because if it were, I would never have children." I explain as best I can.


"Never." I nod.

The mental struggle that plays out on her face makes me feel like a wanker. But the more I think about it, the more I know with certainty I can't bring myself to do it.

Not even to make her happy.

"So, why did you marry me?" She asks.

"I married you because at the time, I had no choice. My dad was insistent upon it, and he left no room for argument. Now that he's passed..."

"You have a choice..." she reads my mind. Her sad gaze slowly meeting mine.

"But one gift did come from agreeing to his terms. I got you in exchange, and Evelyn... I can't imagine my life without you. You're an amazing woman. My equal in every way and my better half in others."

"You married me because you knew I wouldn't care about your fortune. You wanted an equal." She connects the dots I was hoping she would. "And because the sex is-"

"Amazing." I finish her sentence for her. "Undoubtedly the best I've ever had."

"But do you love me?" She asks.

"More than the air I breathe." I assure her. Even though I can't say those three little words to save my life. "And then some."

"Then say it." She demands.


I open my mouth several times to spit the words out, but they won't come. And the look she gives me when I fail to put her at ease makes me feel like even more of a wanker.

Evelyn tries brushing past me, but I grip her by the arm to stop her. And surprisingly, she doesn't fight me as I force her to face me. Resting my head against hers.

"I'm a complicated man, Evelyn." I try to find the words to explain myself to her.

"And my life is already complicated enough." She slips free from my grasp to place a roast in the fridge for later.

Sighing, I tell her the only thing I can in the hopes that she won't give up on me. "The last person I said I love you to hurt me beyond measure."