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At half past three, after watching Alexander play hide and seek with my nieces and Elijah, we start to say our goodbyes to everyone.

Elijah begs me to stay, and I'm talking full on tears and everything. Even though I don't want him to, Jackson convinces me to allow him to stay. Promising to drop him off to me the next morning.

With that, Alexander and I are off to prepare for the event tonight. Only, I don't really understand what that means until I walk into a room on the fourteenth floor of his lavish office building, full of designer dresses, shoes, handbags, jewelry, and a full glam squad.

Just for me.

"Winston was able to figure out your size, but I'm afraid with an ass like that, some alterations may be necessary." Alexander winks at me. "Incoming."

I turn to follow his gaze and a beautiful girl with warm brown skin, an hourglass frame, and soft brown eyes approaches me. Assessing me from head to toe.

"What do you think?" He asks her. Tipping his head to me.

"She's stunning." She smiles. Her British accent instantly transforming her in my eyes. "And as you know, that makes my job a million times easier. Now go... you don't want to be late. I've got this."

She playfully shoves Alexander toward the door, and he laughs. Their brief interaction doesn't go unnoticed by me, although, I don't know why.

None of this is real, Evelyn. I tell myself.

It's all make-believe.

Pushing steel into my nerves, I smile at the beautiful girl approaching me.

"Ello, love." She circles me with a pensive look on her face. Then she shoves her hand in my face, for me to shake, and says, "Ailene King at your service. It's my job to make sure you and my brother Alex are the topic of all conversation tonight. Do you trust me?"

His sister... noted.

"I do." I nod.


Snapping her fingers, Ailene isn't at all surprised when three young girls with stars in their eyes come running over to her. Lapping up everything she says like it's the secret to happiness. Once they have their tasks, I'm poked, prodded, dressed, undressed, and then dressed again until Ailene gives her approval. Then I'm taken over to a rack of shoes where she grabs several pair. And I try each of them on until she finds what she's looking for.

Next, I'm sat in a chair with an apron tossed over my evening gown so a team of hair and makeup artists can work their magic on me. When they're done and the apron is removed, I'm taken over to a counter full of some of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry I've ever seen.

"This one." Alexander startles me. His hand resting against my bare back as he picks up a simple yet elegant diamond necklace.

I move my hair out of the way, and he places it around my neck. Adding the matching bracelet to my wrist and putting the matching earrings in my ears. All while I watch him closely, trying to figure him out.

Peering into my eyes with a smolder that steals my breath away, he says, "Perfection."

And I try not to melt like butter.

"You look mighty dapper as well." I smile nervously.

"Shall we?" He props out his arm.

I loop my arm through his, but being this close to him is intoxicating. And I'm a sucker for a man who smells and looks like a gift from God.