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After some of the best mind-blowing sex I've ever had in all my life, and dinner prepared by the contributor of said mind-blowing sex, I didn't know what to expect. Especially after unwillingly having hope that this could be my second chance at happiness. Only, apparently Alexander had other plans. And he abruptly drops off the face of the earth. Taking my hope for something resembling a happy marriage with him.

I tried not to care or get my hopes up whenever I went to examine his father, but I couldn't help it. And each time Alexander was conveniently nowhere to be found, a small part of me was left disappointed.

First, one week passes.

Then two.

And then a month with no word from him.

He's not even responding to my updates on his father's condition, which makes me think maybe his absence from my life is a personal choice. That the time we spent together meant more to me than it did to him.

Which... fuck.

Still, as his wife, I expected more from him.

I probably shouldn't have, but I did. Because the way he pursued me made me feel like maybe there was something there. Something more.

Maybe I was wrong.

Now I'm regretting my decision to ever sleep with him. Worried those moments were just par for the course for him, while my mind was being completely fucking blown. And he's not talking to me for me to be able to ask him why he's ghosted me.

A simple phone call, response to my texts, or anything other than silence would have sufficed.

But I guess that's too much for me to ask for.

I don't know what kind of girl Alexander is used to, but this girl knows when to cut her losses. So, when Karen invites me out for drinks with a few of her rich friends, I agree. It's better than sitting in my empty house thinking about a guy who clearly isn't thinking about me.

Husband or not.

I just hate that I didn't put up a better fight.

That I didn't stick to my guns.

That I allowed him to get underneath my skin.

"Raymond, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, this is Raymond." Karen introduces me to one of her friends.

He's no Alexander, but he'll do just fine.

Did I really just go there?

Shaking my head, I push a smile to my face and shake his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." He takes my hand in his and brings it up to his lips. Kissing the back of it like a gentleman.

My cheeks instantly heat up and I blush. Turning away from him.

I've never been one to handle being complimented.

"Change of plans ladies. There's an upscale event a few blocks away and as the owner of some of the hottest nightclubs on both the east and west coast, I must show my face." Raymond tells us.

"Really?" Karen narrows her eyes at him. "We're supposed to be showing my beautiful friend here a good time. Notworking."

"I know." He smiles sheepishly. "And I'm sorry. But I can't pass this up. Besides, with such a beautiful woman on my arm, I want nothing more than to show her off to the world."