Idiots in love

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You were having a girls night with Taylor and her friends, there was snacks, wine and you were having so much fun.

You were cuddling with Taylor while listening to Selena talk.

"You look cute" Taylor said

"Hm?" You didn't quite get what she said

"Um. You look like a fruit"  she smiled awkwardly

"Oh.. thanks?" You said

Taylor looked at her friends and they all gave her an "are you serious" look.

Taylor definitely had huge feelings for you, but you didn't know that. And truth be told you like her too but you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

And not to mention, you're an idiot. You dont know how to read people at ALL. Taylor has been dropping hints at you but you still are clueless.

You guys put on a movie to watch and you were so tired you just fell asleep in Taylor's arms.

"Guys, shes asleep" she whispered

"Okay now we can talk. She's an idiot. You're both idiots. You look like a fruit?! What was that?!" Selena said

"I dont know it just came out" taylor whined

"You need to stop chickening out from what you really want to say to her." Hailee said

"Yeah, this isn't gonna go anywhere like this. But she is really really clueless." Gigi agreed

Taylor started to stare at you and playing with your hair.

"We should go to sleep now" selena mentioned

"Oh um you guys go ill stay here with y/n." Taylor said

"Hm. Yeah okay" hailee smirked

"Oh shut up, she just looks comfortable okay" taylor says playfully.

Their footsteps slowly faded, and you started to wake abit.

"Tay?" You mumbled

"Yes baby?"


Baby. What. Does she like me? No. No way. Well im definitely blushing. I think she sees it. Shit.

I sit up so i could face her properly

"Shit. I forgot to bring my clothes"

"You can use mine honey dont worry" she smiled

We both stood up and walked to her bedroom, When we got there she tossed me a shirt of hers, on me it was pretty big though but it was cute

"You look so cute" she tried again

"Thanks Tay" i smiled at her

"Hey wanna sleep in my room with me?"

Yes.yes.yes. Is it weird? Whatever. Maybe. Should i? I dont know.. i will. Right? Yes i will. 
Taylor snapped me out of my thoughts

"Y/n its okay if you dont want to i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didnt make me uncomfortable, actually i would love to"

We went over to the bed and just sat and talked

"Tay, are you seeing anyone?" I asked skeptically

"No but i do want to see a certain someone, but they're not really good at picking up hints so its hard."

"Oh, its okay. Who is it?"

She turned to me and just smiled

"Why are you looking at me with that dopey smile"

"Its you y/n"

"Whats me?"

"Y/n, i, Taylor Swift, like you."

I gasped. Oh my god.


"Yeah.. any chance me too?"

"YES YES YES I DO OH I DO"I started jumping a little

"Okay calm down baby"

"I never knew you liked me"

"Baby i have liked you for 3 years" she giggled

"I really am an idiot" i laughed

"Yeah, but you're my idiot" she kissed my forehead

"Would it be weird if i kissed you" she asked

"Maybe, but i dont care"

Our lips brushed against each other shyly, but in a swift second her lips smashed into mine. Lets just say that night was a special night.

gxg Taylor swift imagines Chapter 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora