You think you're ugly

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Author note: this contains rather negative thought about self appearance and stuff so if you're sensitive to that kinda stuff i suggest you skip.

You were in the bathroom, just staring at yourself. You were supposed to go out for dinner with Taylor tonight and you had the perfect outfit planned, or so you thought.

Taylor wasn't home yet so you were alone, you had just come out of the shower and you took the outfit that you had prepared earlier and put it on.

You walked towards the mirror and looked at your self up and down. The more you did that the more your heart felt worse.

You whispered in a shaky breath " why do i look like this? Im not good enough. Why would taylor ever want me? What does she see in me? Maybe i shouldn't go out tonight" negative thoughts started to flood your mind.

You took a few steps back and your back hit the marble wall, you slowly slid down and put your head against your knees and your hands around your head.

"Honey? Im home!" Taylor yelled from the front door.

"Shit." You mumbled. At this point you were curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. Trying to catch your breath while sobbing and your vision blurry from the tears.

You heard Taylors steps getting louder. The closer she got the clearer she could hear you.

"Y/n?! Are you okay? Please open up"

You stayed silent

"Y/n whatever's happening im sure we can talk it out, at least don't put yourself through this alone, let me help."

The door's lock clicked. You had unlocked it and opened the door. Once you saw her beautiful blue eyes you rushed in for a hug, breaking down all over again.

"Poor baby, do you want to talk about it?" She said while brushing her hands through your hair.

You didn't reply as you were still trying to even out your breath.

She slowly brought you to the bed and sat on the edge of it when you crawled onto her lap. She caressed your cheek, her heart wrecked as seeing you like this made her so sad.

Slowly you calmed down. She asked again " Do you want to talk about it?"

And you nodded.

You were staring down at your hands, tugging on the strings of your shirt. "Tay, im so ugly. How could you ever fall for someone like me?"

Those words made her heart sink. How could you ever think that? She cupped your chin and locked eye contact with you.

"Y/n, you are the most beautiful woman i have ever laid eyes on. And seeing you talk about yourself like that hurts. I don't think you know how amazing you truly are. When i wake up, all
I can think about is you, i go to sleep thinking about you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me y/n. You are amazing."

When she said that a tear rolled down her cheek. You were quick to run it away, and immediately pulled her in for a hug.

"i love you."

Words so little but have so much meaning.

"i love you too, y/n. What about instead of date night we cuddle in bed and watch a movie? How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing Tay, you're the best."

She smiled at you and helped you get out of the clothes you were wearing and into comfortable ones, turned on your favorite movie and cuddled in bed for the rest of the night

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