Look me in the eye

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It had been 3 years since Taylor left, since she walked out of your relationship. Why? Because you both started distancing yourselves in work, But when you got the courage to try to talk about it, she pushed you away and shut you out.

That was the first time she did, you tried again and again but one day, she broke it off.

❌❌❌ Flashback❌❌❌

"We're done." Taylor said sternly

"What? Taylor- Why?"

"I dont think that we're working out"

"Can we talk about it?" You tried reasoning but she didnt want to reason with you.

"What is there to talk about? We're done." She said rolling her eyes and walking away

You grabbed her wrist to stop her, and she furiously turned around.

"Stop!" She angrily yelled.

"So what you're just gonna leave?!" I yelled back
She opened her mouth to speak but you interrupted.

"No explanation? We've been together 4 years Taylor! Im pretty fucking sure I deserve an explanation? We've distanced but we can talk about it! You're not even giving me the benefit of doubt?"

Your tears started streaming down your face and you started grabbing on your hair and pulling it,
You sat down and started bouncing your leg up and down. Not even looking at her

"So what? This is it? You mumbled through your sobs

"Im sorry y/n"

"Did you even love me?!" You shouted

She stayed quiet

"Are you fucking serious." You gasped

"Look me in the eyes. Tell me you never loved me. 4 fucking years. Tell me i meant nothing to you. Tell me that it was all a lie."

She still remained silent, looking at the floor.

You were devastated, was everything she told you a lie? Was this relationship built off of something that wasnt real?

"For fucks sake you cant even fucking speak to me or even have the decency to look at me?!"

"Y/n, this is to keep you safe"

"From what? I am my own person. I dont need saving."

"You always were stubborn." She smiled the tiniest bit

"Whats your point taylor."

"You wont understand y/n, you cant."


"Im sorry, and i do love you. I loved you in the past i love you now and i will love you forevermore."

"This is not the time to get all poetic Taylor! What the hell is going on?"

"Y/n, im sorry. I have to go"
❌❌❌ End❌❌❌

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