Chapter 20: Mio Tigrotta

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Chapter 20:  Mio Tigrotta

Nicholas slumped on the seat, his face expressionless, “Nana, the deal has been called off?” he relayed as Lisa's dad; Russel frowned upon the revelation, making him pause what he was doing. 

“What?” his grandma inquired, puffing her stick, the smoking disappearing into thin air. They sat on the terrace, enjoying the afternoon breeze as Elena enjoyed smoking her favorite brand. 

"One of the familia caused the last shipment ruckus and even sent an assassin over," Nicholas muttered, rubbing the tip of his nose, "but we were able to retrieve our shipment."

“How many from our side?” Elena asked, her face devoid of emotion as usual while Lisa’s father placed the accounting book on the table.  “The Silician familia broke off the peace treaty by putting a spy in our familia, stole our goods, and tried to kill my heir!” Elina growled, muttering a series of cusses under her breath as her Italian accent became prominent.  

“We will talk to the other familia during the meeting before retaliating,” she added, dropping the remnant on the ashtray.

“Okay,” Nicholas nodded in understanding.

“Capo,” Rusell spoke, opening the account book, “the warehouse in Milan is short of labor which is causing sales to plummet by some percentage,” he explained, showing the table information. 

“Oh, why are the girls leaving?” 

Nicholas shrugged in response; he rarely visited the warehouse, only if it was necessary for business trade or anything; it was Rusell who handled most of the family account as the familia consigliere.

“Recruit another set of ladies and boys for business. No force; make sure you have their verbal consent willingly, and they should sign the document by themselves,” Elena ordered.

“Roger that,” Cainel answered, flipping the page to the other side. As he had nothing to do again, he turned to leave but was stopped by Elena. “Cainel boy,” Elena called, “it has been a long time since I saw your daughter around,” Elena said while looking at her indifferent grandson through her peripheral sight. 

 Cainel’s brow furrowed in deep thought before responding, “She should be fine. I can't say, but she has been running up and down, so I rarely hear her whinny again,” he said, laughing. Cainel was different from his immature daughter. His daughter was a shame to a strong man like him; even Carlos, her younger brother, had more sense than her. 

“My regards to the girl,” Elena waved her hand, dismissing Caine as she took another cigar to light.  

After Nicholas had noticed Cainel was away from earshot, he looked at her, “Grandma, why do you want to see Lisa?”

“Although you have that girl as your fiance and planning to marry her, I want Lisa to be there,” Elena took a long drag of the cigar while Nicholas didn't understand why she wanted Lisa to be there on his wedding day.


After finishing all his business in Italy, Nicholas flew home without informing Diana, wanting to surprise her, and couldn't wait to see her expression.

 God! He missed her.  

Nicholas hummed, closing the door behind him. Where could she be at this time of the day? As he came back, he rushed to her room to give her a surprise, but she was in her room or the bathroom. He brow-quirked, walking down the stairs to ask one of the maids before he grinned and turned to the gym. 

Like he had known she would be there, he chuckled lightly, watching her jogging on the treadmill. 

She is cute. Nicholas thought, creeping to her gently, not to alarm her, as he hurled her up from behind, which elicited a shocking gasp from her. 

His Fiery Lady (ON HOLD) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora