Chapter 4: Choose

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Chapter 4: Choose

They stated their orders, and the lady scribbled their order down on her note without looking at any of them in the eyes, which irked Nick. He wanted her eyes on him; he wanted to see her eyes and impulsively smacked her on her butt for reaction. Talk about action before thinking. He did before thinking.

Fuck, he didn't have time to reason before he felt a pain in his cheek.

And immediately, a slapping sound resonated in the small cafe. Other workers gasped in shock while Nicholas smiled bemusingly. Oh! A firecracker. I love it, he thought, wetting his lips playfully. Her eyes showed fury as she clenched her tiny fist.

"How dare you nitwit human error smacked me!" the server gritted angrily, clenching her tiny fist before taking menacing steps towards him, poking his chest, "I'm different from the rest if you try this shit with me again—" she warned, hissing in disgust and went back.

Woah that is definitely hot and sexy.

Nicholas released a breath he had been holding when the lady neared him. He inhaled loudly, savouring her vanilla perfume. It became his favourite instantly.

A moment later, a stout man came out of the office worriedly, gulping nervously, "We are sorry for our employee's behaviour," The man craned his neck. The manager was scared for his life; he knew who the men were, and they could destroy his life and everything. The manager turned to the lady, who didn't look with an ounce of regret as she could send hateful diggers at Nick with her eyes; she looked defiant.

"Reina," the manager called the waitress, "please do say sorry for your action towards the customer," a pleading tone could be heard in the manager's voice, "Customers are always right," the manager tried to remind Reina of their protocol here.

"Excuse me, sir," the waitress gritted her teeth together, "how do you want me to plead when he was the one who was wrong!" the lady tried to defend her action. She was outraged; how could they expect her to beg when she did nothing wrong?

She disliked the man instantly.

The manager slumped his shoulder in defeat and turned to Nick, "We are sorry for the inconvenience, sir" The manager bowed.

"Okay," Nick said, with a sly smirk playing on his lips while the manager sighed in relief, sending a quick prayer to God, "but—" Nick touched his cheek, "You're Not the one who is wrong," he stated arrogantly, "it was her I want her to apologise," he ordered haughtily.

"Sir—" the manager trailed off.

"Choose her or me," Nick smiled arrogantly. He knew, and the manager knew he would pick him for who he was.

"Apologise or quit," the manager stated, laughing wryly.

"I would rather quit than apologies to this foolish, arrogant son of a nutcracker!" Reina hissed loudly, removing her apron and slamming it down on the table, then turned a glare at Nick as tears glistened in her eyes, "I hate you. Don't ever show your face to me again!" she screamed at him and walked away, not wanting to shed her tears.

She was more substantial than this.

Nick stood up abruptly, wanting to follow his fiery little lady; the sadness in her voice made his stomach churn. He felt terrible. "We will talk on the phone later, do go back home and let your PA inform me about what happened. We'll continue later," he said hurriedly, wanting to rush out but was stopped by an angry voice.

Diana was angry. She was angry would be an understatement.

Betrayal from her manager, arrogance, and unfairness seeped into her bloodstream like a virus.

She disliked the man; she despised him.

She mentally whacked herself for thinking of him earlier to be a gentleman. At first glance at him earlier, she felt her heart skip because he was beautiful. The ray of sun shone upon him like a diamond, but she was wrong! He was a devil in an angel Armani.

Gentleman, my ass! She hissed, feeling her palm sting. She wished to slap some senses in him. Had she known she would be fired, she would have dropped the coffee on him.

How dare that little weepy man! It was unfair to her! Did he think he owned the world?

I want her to apologise to me; she mimicked his voice in her head and felt hatred bobbing into her bloodstream. What could she do now? She couldn't apologise for being right. This work was one of her highest-paying jobs! She rubbed her face confusedly.

How could she take care of her brother now? She wanted a good life for his brother, and now, it was impossible. She needed another job ASAP, but how and where? were the hanging questions? Who could hire someone without any educational qualifications or experience?

She turned back to go inside the cafe to give her mind; being angry was an understatement. That guy couldn't just walk away like he didn't get her fired. She needed to keep him in check.

Well, she had been fired. She had no customer law bounding her again.

Diana marched back to the cafe angrily as she saw the man standing up from his seat, saying something to his friend.

The nerve of him, smiling and talking happily after he got her fired, Diana scoffed, blowing out air and making her front bang raise.

"You!" she screamed, stalking towards him as a smirk played on her lips.

The man momentarily whipped his head back to see the girl from earlier pouncing toward him. He smiled, thinking she came to apologise.

"Have you reconsidered?" Nicholas smiled, raising his head.

"Reconsider my ass!" Diana scoffed, blowing air out before walking toward him. She took a cup of coffee on the table while his eyes flashed shocked before mischievous.


She smirked slyly as her 5'4 reached his mid-chest; she swung the plastic and poured the cold coffee on him as gasps filled the air.

"That's for getting me fired," she smirked, throwing the empty plastic in the trash can, taking the spare handkerchief from his front pocket, and then using it to wipe her hand before throwing the used piece on him.

She sighed and gave him a middle finger before walking out as everyone looked at her like a freaking medal.

She felt happy; she couldn't explain the moment of shock that was on the guy's face. You can't ruin someone's life and run with it like that. She swung her bag as she walked down the street, but unfortunately, she was gripped from behind.

Diana opened her mouth to scream, but a white handkerchief was dabbed on her mouth, making her inhale the chloroform.

She tried to fight away the dizziness, but it was impossible as her shoulder slumped to the kidnapper's chest.

Oh fuck! She has been kidnapped.

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