Chapter 3: Thank Heaven!

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Chapter 3

Why does life bring him different issues from what he wishes for every time?

Nicholas ground his teeth silently as he loosened his tie before running his hand through his hair. It was another day for drama.

"Nicky," Lisa beamed happily, dropping her bag on the sofa before running to him, hugging him, and kissing his cheek without his fucking permission and consent. He stylishly took his handkerchief and wiped the traces off her lips. He cringed internally, hating how he'd do what his Nana wanted.

"I miss you," she mumbled, still snaking her arm around his neck, making him look everywhere before clearing his throat.

"Oh, sorry," she took a step back, blushing lightly.

She turned her gaze to Bell, forced to smile at her, and Bell returned it with a sneer.

Thanks fuck! The feeling was mutual.

Isabella eyed her disgusted, taking her handbag, "Davis," she muttered, "I'll come back later to see you."

"Nicky," she battled her fake eyelashes, which irritated Nicholas to the end but grimaced, putting on with it for his granny.

"Where should we go now?" she mumbled, playing with his tie.

"We—" The sound of his ringing tone saved him from her, and he sighed in relief, picking up his newly wedded friend's call.

Thank heaven!

"Did you see the newspaper front page?" the deep voice of his friend blared out from the phone, making him cringe and distance it from his ear.

Nicholas shook his head, "No, I've not," he answered truthfully; he rarely checked the newspaper. What was there in the newspaper to check when his phone was available?

"Fucking do any fucking thing to make that fucking dumb of a living go down!" His friend gritted out. Nicholas could mentally imagine what his friend was going through.

His friend hated busybodies, paparazzi and all.

"On it," Nicholas responded, checking his wristwatch. It was just some minutes past nine.

"Where the fuck are you right now?"

"I'm at the office," he responded, looking at the lady playing a game on her phone.

"Meet me at the usual place—P&p cafe."

"Okay bro, see you soon." he mentally did a joy dance in his head; he had successfully found a way to ditch the leach.

He made a disappointed face, went to where Lisa sat, and put his hands around her shoulders, patting them softly, "I'm sorry, Lisa," he started, "I really want this to work between us," he lied with the tip of his tongue, "But I really need to go now." he muttered.

"What!" she exclaimed sadly, "I just got here," she pouted.

"I'm sorry," he pecked her cheek and left, not looking back as he smirked. He stopped at his little assistant cubicle, "Alex, you know what to do," he grinned mischievously before blowing her a kiss and making her drool.

Sorry dear, I don't do pleasure and business.

He was walking to his car when his phone rang; he didn't check the caller ID and picked it up, "Davis."

"Something really comes up, bro," he heard his cousin's voice, and he sighed.

"Meet me at P&p," he hung up and drove away.

Nicholas arrived at the cafe situated in the students' area; he killed the car engine off and got down, fixing his tie. He skimmed through the glass and noticed his friend hadn't arrived.

He rested his back on his black car while flashing the ladies swooning at him a flirty smile. It didn't hurt to take another girl home; he grinned, moving forward to make a move, but unfortunately, his friend - Nathaniel arrived.

He winked at the lady and signed her another time.

His friend shook his head and walked inside without waiting for him, "You can't even wait for me?" Nicky said, dragging his booth to the back before sitting on it.

"Why should I wait for you when I've seen you've busied yourself with something else?" Nathaniel muttered disdainfully.

"So what's the urgent thing you want to tell me that makes me break all the traffic rules today?" Nicholas inquired, raising his right brow.

"I went to the office today," His friend said, only to be stopped by a shocked Nicholas, who held his hand.

"You mean your company?" Nick asked to be sure what exactly he was saying while Nathaniel nodded grimly.

"Don't tell me you left the poor girl alone again without seeing her?" He asked slowly again while his friend nodded, thinly lipped.

Fuck! Nathaniel could be the most senseless sometimes.

"What's the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Nick shouted at him, banging his fist on the table while the people turned and stared at their table, and he mumbled out an unheard apology with a little finger.

He stared at his friend for a long time, yet a short moment before shrugging his shoulders and gesturing to a nearby server.

"Why?" he asked, Nathaniel didn't do things without reason, but sometimes his reasons went astray.

"Yesterday has been a long day for her, so I thought excusing myself from home would make her comfortable, and I don't think she needs my presence also," he defended his action. Nick felt like banging his head on the table.

"Why is your common sense not common sometimes, my dear friend?" Nick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. His friend was one of the most complicated human beings ever seen.


"No, but!" Nick reprimanded, "when I tell you to take part in learning females' anatomy but you refused, see where it leads you." he admonished, "I'll just tell you that you should go back home to your wife...," Nicholas was advising his friend about the females' anatomy when he heard a melodious voice which drifted him from what he was saying. He raised his head only to meet with big brown almond doe eyes.

"Welcome to the P&p coffee shop," the waitress smiled softly at them professionally, not casting them a flirty gaze that bruised Nick's ego. The lady blatantly ignored him.

What's the heck! His mouth was agape.

Nicholas's eyes widened in shock, he was what females wanted in a husband, and males wished for his smart-ass, but the lady in front of him infuriated him. People knelt in front of him like a fucking Adonis.

"I'm Reina, your waitress for now. What can I get you, sir?" she asked, smiling as she held out her book and pen to write down their orders.

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