Chapter 15: I'll Be A Good Boy.

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Chapter 15: I'll Be A Good Boy.

Diana's eyes were wide in shock; her face was red with anger would be an understatement; Imagery smoke was coming from her ears and eyes. She gritted her teeth together in pure annoyance before she used all her strength to push Nicholas away, making his weak body fall dramatically with a loud thud.  

Diana looked at the splayed man on the floor and felt repulsive as she grabbed her phone and marched to her room. 

How dare he?!  That is where he would sleep tonight! She didn't have any strength to bring him to his room. 

After wasting her time, strength and energy to throw him a suitable birthday yet he fucking spoilt everything. Diana rolled her eyes in disgust, going to the bathroom as she removed her dirtied cloth one after the other and rubbing her body clean as she muttered curses under her breath. 

After bathing, she wrapped the towel around her body firmly and used another towel to tie her hair. She gagged, sniffing her body to see if there was any stench smell on her body.  Diana heard her phone ring; she jumped on the bed and saw Bella's name flashed on the screen. As she wanted to pick up her phone, the call ended. She smiled grimly, swiping her phone screen to see 20 missed calls from Belle. 

She was surprised; why did Bella call back? Was there an emergency? She took her phone and dialed Bella's number. 

The first ring had not finished before she heard Bella's frantic voice.

“Don't celebrate his birthday; today is a bad day, his birthday—”

“I shouldn't celebrate his birthday?” Diana asked to be sure of what she heard. Why shouldn't she celebrate his birthday? What happened? Did he not believe in celebrating birthdays? 

“Hmmm, what I mean—” Bella paused, catching her breath, “today is the death anniversary of his mother.'' She revealed it, and Diana sucked in a breath. She was immediately feeling guilty for what she did. Is His mother dead? She wasn't aware of that. 

“As I said, today is the anniversary of his mother's death.” Bella repeated, “his mother left him on his birthday when he was eight, if I'm not mistaken, and his mother’s dead body was found two years later on his birthday again,” Bella's voice had uncertainty in it, “that's why to celebrate or talk about his birthday is  forbidden in the family.”

“Oh, thank you for the information,” Diana said quickly, “I'll call you back; I'm coming,” she spoke urgently and hung up. 

 Diana ran down the stairs skipping two steps at a time as she marched to Nicholas, seeing him curled up in a ball and trembling. She felt a wave of sadness washed over her. He was just a boy under an exterior pompous man's body. 

Diama wrinkled her nose, going to the store to take the packer and mob as she cleaned the stench vomit, then helped him up. Although she was finding it difficult to carry him, she later decided to drag him by his foot to the stairs. When they reached the stairs, she dropped his foot, catching her breath before quickly holding her falling towel off her naked body.  

She turned around and wrapped her towel tightly before throwing the towel on her hair away. She slapped Nicholas back only to have him groan, “stand up and let's go to your room,” she said.

“I'm not!” he refused, and Diana palmed her face. Who could believe this man behaved like a baby when drunk? He couldn't even handle his drink! 

“If you don't get up, I'll le—” She was unable to finish her statement before Nicholas stood up, staggering. 

“I'm up,” he stumbled on his words, “please don't leave me.”

“I'm not leaving; I just —!” 

"I'll be a good boy."

Diana rolled her eyes and sighed loudly before smiling at him, "I'm not leaving." she enunciated. 

“Okay,” Nicholas nodded, looking at her with a hooded gaze before walking through the stairs wobbly to his room. This was her first time coming to his door or entering his room.  He was the one that always came to find her. 

Nicholas ran to the bed with his wet cloth and fell on it, rolling around. Diana rolled her eyes, annoyed, yet she stared at him fondly. Diana turned to go and pick something but was grabbed from behind. 

“You won't leave me, right?” she could pinpoint the fear in his voice.  "I'll always be a good boy," he mumbled in a small voice while Diana patted his head reassuringly. 

“I won't, and I just want to go and take something.”

His gaze looked unsure; doubt swirled in his orbs, but he reluctantly agreed, “Okay.”

Diana went to the kitchen and warmed the water before going to her room to take a cold reliever medicine, then went back to his room to see him curled up at the door. She shook her head and tapped him a little, “I'm back,” she whispered, and Nicholas nodded in delight and walked back to the bed. 

Diana helped him out of his wet cloth and told him to have a bath while she changed the bedsheet. 

After he freshened up, he instructed him to lie on the bed, which he immediately did. Diana crouched at the bedside, putting the warm towel on his head as she gave him warm ginger milk and then gave him the cold medicine. 

“Open your mouth," she ordered gently, taking the pill. She didn't know when she became a nurse nursing a grown-ass man. 

And robotically, he opened his mouth while Diana put the pill in his mouth and gave him water to flush down the drug. 

"Good," she praised softly, "now be a good boy and lay on the bed," she whispered, taking the warm towel and placing it on his forehead as she took the remote and lowered the room temperature. 

She took the blanket and covered him, "now sleep," she mumbled softly. 

Nicholas breathed out and closed his eyes immediately after his breathing evened out, and Diana sighed and shuffled her feet to turn and change. As she moved a step, a hand grabbed her, "Please don't leave—" His voice was shaky as his eyelid trembled. "—Mom," he choked out, "I'll be a good boy and won't ask for ca—." 

It looked like he was having a nightmare; immediately, he went to sleep. Diana patted the hand that was holding her softly while he hummed in response. "warm," he murmured, pulling her closer, which made Diana fall on him. 

Diana blushed furiously, her towel was undone due to the abrupt pull, yet Nicholas pulled her tighter, wrapping his hands around her body as he mumbled at her collarbone. 

"Warm," Diana waited for his grip to fade, but it was impossible as Diana felt fatigued washing over her, and she was lured into the abyss of sleep while sharing body heat. 


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Royhan 💕

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