Chapter 38 Walk Away

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"By the way, how come you didn't tell me you and Jamie had a moment yesterday?She was the one who told me and not you being my pal and roomie." he said pretending as if he was hit on the chest by something and being heartbroken.

"I'll tell you more when I come back. Better behave." he said grabbing his wallet and walking out.

Jeremy arrived at the place Jason texted him. It was a small pizzeria, and he was seated outside waving at him. He did seem happy to see him and gave him a short hug.

"Sit, order whatever you want. I'll pay." Jason said seating down. "By the way, you look different with glasses. Not in a bad way, just different. I'm used to seeing you with lenses."

"I guess. How are you?"

" I have been well, thanks. How was your birthday?"

"It was fun. I went laser tagging with my friends, it was my first time, and it was great."

"I'm glad."

A waiter came to take their orders and left.

"I hope you mind, but your mom told me about you broke up with your girlfriend. How are you coping with that?"

"It has not been easy, but I'm dealing with it."

"Let me tell you, it's hard at the beginning. But it eventually turns easier with time, when you meet someone new, and the past becomes the past. "

"It was like that when you dumped my mom? You just forgot about her and married Eleanor?" he snapped not thinking twice what was on his head.

"Not at all..."

"Then how was it? You make it sound like really easy on how you left her pregnant with your child and move on to someone else."

"Fuck. I messed everything. That's not what I meant." Jason said in his head while looking down.

 "Listen. I do regret the way I ended things with Victoria. I really do, I was only twenty at the time, I had no job, nothing to offer her and you, and I got scared. It's no excuse, I know. I was stupid back then, and I hoped I would have done things differently. I would have offered you a different life, like the ones your siblings have."

"Half siblings. " he corrected. " And there's nothing wrong with the life my mom gave me. She did her best and I am who I am today due to her."

"This is not how I imagined this conversation with him would go."

" I just want to know; did you ever think of looking for me? Knowing if I was, okay?"

"I did. I just didn't know how, when I spoke with Victoria letting me know she was pregnant she was upset and made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me. Not that I can blame her."

With a perfect timing the waiter came with two salads and a pizza placing them on the table. Jeremy didn't feel like having a bad digestion and suggested eating first and continue the conversation later, to which Jason agreed. As he ate his first slice, Jeremy wondered how the conversation was his parents had eighteen years ago. He couldn't have these conversations with his mom, he knew it was too painful for her. He just wished he could get into Jason's head and know the truth. He gave a small glance to him, focusing on that memory, wanting to learn what happened, what they told each other and how their last words to each other were. Somehow, as a movie playing, he had success, and the memory was playing before him.


"I don't get it; how did this happen?" Jason said while sitting on a park bench with a burrito on his hand not looking at Victoria as she had just told him she was pregnant.

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