
Start from the beginning

Then Eve's mom went out of the house,she was slamming the door loudly and her dad immediately looked for Eve in her hiding place.

Eve was listening intently from her hiding place, her small heart racing as the sound of her father's footsteps approached. Fearing that he would find her, she covered her mouth to suppress her breathing and remained motionless, hoping he

would pass by without noticing her.

After a moment, though, she heard him call out her name in a loud voice. Heart racing, she tried to remain as silent as possible but her trembling hands and tears made that very difficult.

"Eve,come here!"

"...D- Dad...?"

Eve heard her father stop, and she tensed, praying that he had not noticed she was there. As she heard him take a few steps closer though, she realized that he had in fact heard her voice. She slowly crawled out of her hiding place, wiping the tears off her face as she faced her father.

"Where's mom?"

Her father, frustrated, turned to look at Eve with a stern expression. He stared at her for a moment, seemingly unsure of what to say.


"Can you just shut the fuck up?! Your mom is.. uh she out. She had something to take care of."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about. Your mother and I are just having a small argument."

"But... you're yelling. That doesn't seem like a small argument. Is mom okay?"

"Like I said, it's nothing you should worry about."


"Just go to your fucking room!"

"Dad, please..."

"I said go to your room NOW!"

Eve was taken a back by her father's harsh tone and the way he was yelling at her. Eve reluctantly turned and left the room.


The first rays of dawn seeped through the window, Eve's father tenderly brushed her hair, his fingers gliding smoothly through her locks. Already dressed immaculately for his workday, he meticulously packed her school bag, making sure to include a wholesome breakfast in her lunchbox.

Post her rejuvenating shower, Eve found herself perched at the breakfast table, sharing the morning meal with her father. He watched, his heart swelling with paternal affection and pride, as she fashioned her hair into neat pigtails, an endearing reminder of the young woman she was blossoming into.

Eve's heart was awash with warmth at having her father's comforting presence by her side.

Across the breakfast table, her father was engrossed in his meal, his attention intermittently drifting towards the work papers spread before him. Noticing Eve's gaze on him, he looked up, his eyes meeting hers.

Eve found herself at a loss for words. She yearned to voice her thoughts, but the right words seemed elusive. Gathering her courage, she decided to initiate a conversation with her father, hoping to bridge the silence that hung between them.

"Dad, I have something to ask you, do you mind if I say it?"

"Of course, you can tell me anything. What's on your mind?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you about mom..."

"Oh,don't worry..she's fine."

"I haven't seen her since yesterday."

"I'm sure she'll be back soon."

"But ..."

"Why don't we just get ready and eat our breakfast quickly so we can get ready for school?"

"Okay dad.."

They continued to eat their breakfast in silence until it was time to get ready and go to school.

Eve's dad loaded her into the car and soon they were on their way to school. As they drove, Eve looked out the window at the passing scenery and wondered when her mother would return home.

"Alright, Eve..we're almost there. You excited to start your new school today?"

"Mhm, I am! I can't wait to meet my friends and teachers."

Her father smiled as he looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Eve got out of the car and waved to her father as she ran towards the building.

Then Eve was thoroughly enjoying her time at school, the camaraderie of her newfound friends making each day a delightful experience.

Out of the blue, a boy made his way towards Eve, his approach marked by a certain nervous energy.

"Hello, I'm Caden," he introduced himself, his voice laced with a hint of shyness.

Taken aback by the sudden introduction, Eve managed a polite smile, "Oh, hello. I'm Eve. It's a pleasure to meet you, Caden."

Their smiles served as an unspoken pact of friendship, and they soon found themselves immersed in a lively discussion about their passions, hobbies, and aspirations. A bond was formed, and Eve and Caden soon became inseparable, their shared moments during recess and lunch breaks becoming a cherished part of their school routine.

The shrill ring of the bell soon echoed across the playground, signaling the end of their break. The air was filled with the infectious laughter and excited chatter of children, their energy palpable. Eve and Caden navigated their way towards the swings, settling down next to each other.

As they swung in rhythm, the world around them seemed to blur into a picturesque backdrop. Eve could feel Caden's gaze on her, his shy smile revealing a world of unspoken emotions. The moment was simple, yet profound, a testament to the beautiful friendship they were nurturing.

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