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January, 2019

In the hushed stillness of the afternoon, Eve trudged her way home from school, her heart weighed down by a sense of impending doom.

She knew all too well the cacophony that awaited her - the harsh, discordant symphony of her parents' quarrels. Time was her greatest adversary. She had to secure a safe haven before the tempest of arguments erupted, or risk becoming an unintended casualty of their verbal onslaught.

With a sense of urgency, she darted around the house, seeking refuge in an inconspicuous corner. The first roar of anger sent a jolt of fear coursing through her veins, her breath hitching in her throat. She held her breath, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribcage, tears carving wet trails down her cheeks.

As she neared her home, the escalating pitch of her parents' voices filled the air, a foreboding prelude to the imminent storm. A wave of dread washed over her, the ticking clock a stark reminder of the impending chaos.

With a sense of desperation, she made a beeline for the basement, seeking solace in its shadowy confines. She huddled in a dark corner, her hands clasped tightly over her ears, her body wracked with silent sobs. From her hiding spot beneath a dust-laden shelf, she could discern the muffled sounds of raised voices and the shattering of plates, the walls around her offering a meager shield from the tumultuous reality of her home.

"Why can't you just be normal? Why do you always have to make everything so difficult?"

"It's because of you that I have to deal with this nonsense! You never listen to me and all you do is complain. It's no wonder I'm always in a bad mood."

"You always think you're right and never listen to anyone else. Maybe if you weren't so stubborn, you would realize that all I want is for you to be a good husband and father."

"Good husband and father? What do you even know about those things? You're the one who brought this whole mess upon our family. You can't even keep the house clean for a day without making a mess."

"And who's going to do all the chores? You? I'm not your maid, and I don't plan on starting now."

"Oh, so now you're bringing money into this? That's such a cheap trick. But you know what? I've been bringing home the bread and paying the bills. What have you done?"

"You call that an excuse? If anything, you've caused even more trouble with your reckless spending and your constant infidelity. Don't pretend like you're the hard-working husband when I know the truth. You're just another man who thinks he's special because he earns the money. Well, good for you because that's all you'll ever be. Just the provider with no sense of family."

"Oh, really? Then what about that little secret you've been keeping from me all these years? I know the truth, and I'm sick of your lies!"

"What are you even talking about? Do you even listen to yourself? I think you've lost your mind. I have no idea what kind of secret you're talking about."

"That little fling of yours with that young man from work? You thought I wouldn't find out about that? Well, guess what, I did. I'm sick of it all, and I'm done being the only one who cares about this family. You can take your lies, your affairs, and your little boyfriend, and shove 'em. I'm done!"

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