"She finally fell asleep.", Sam said with worry in his voice.

"She's passed out, not sleeping." I corrected him. Sleeping would imply that she would get some rest out of this, but I knew better than that.

"You can't deny that you have some kind of super-sense when it comes to her, Dean.", Sam started to argue again. Why was he always so eager to talk about our damn feelings? I took a sip from the beer. Gotta hand it to the sisters, they had a great taste in alcohol.

"Why'd she want only you here then?", I shot back, trying to not sound too offended.

"Because she thinks you hate her. And apparently I remind her of her sister."

"Y'all really had some cute little bonding time." I tried to shift the focus off me.

"Dean, I'm probably not supposed to even tell you this but Angie has a really deep wound all across her back that she couldn't treat without help.", Sam shared with me. I blinked surprised.

"Why didn't she say that when we first arrived?", I couldn't help but to ask.

"I think she has a serious issue with her body. The whole touching thing- Doesn't matter, I stitched her up."
Stitched her up? It was so bad she needed stitches? I couldn't imagine walking around with that kind of pain and then doing deep talk with two hunters who could help me instead.

And how come a person just as beautiful as her has body issues? Even now, high and with this oversized clothing I could tell she had an attractive figure. But what really got me was her face. Those dark brown eyes, full of determination. Her long blonde hair wanted me to play with the strands, run them through my fingers again and again-

Sam caught me staring. He shot me an incredulous look and I shrugged it off. Even though it wasn't the first chick he saw me checking out, this was different. Everything concerning Angie was just different.

"What else did she say?", I asked the first thing that came to my mind.

"Not really anything that helps just.. be nicer to her."

"Ah.", I growled.

Angie started to curl herself up and mumbled something inaudible. It was then that I realized she reminded me of someone. I felt like someone punched me right into my stomach. But there was no doubt: Now that she was laying in the exact position, I was sure it was her.

My stomach twisted into knots.
I debated exactly three heartbeats on wether I was going to just leave right on the spot or if it was worth it to confront her.

"When were you gonna tell me?", I snapped at Angie, unceremoniously yanking the blanket off her.

She opened her eyes, confused for a second but then she pressed her lips together in a thin line. She knew exactly what was going on.
Oh, I had been so dumb.

Angie's expressions told me that she already knew what I figured out. For her it was probably funny that she had that kind of intimate information about me, that she knew every single detail that happened to me including what I did, what I had to become and meanwhile she had stayed perfectly anonymous in return.

It made me angry, so damn angry because deep down I felt humiliated. She heard every cry, every scream, every desperate-

"I wanted to tell you earlier in the kitchen it just.. I didn't know how..", she stuttered, her eyes flickering inconsistently.

"Tell you what?", Sam wanted to know, placing himself in between us like a barrier.

"In Hell, she was in the cave next to mine.", I blurted out. If maybe there had been more light in Hell, I would've recognized her the second we met. She probably thought I was a fool for not getting to this point sooner.

"So you do remember.", my brother stated. He sighed audibly.
Goddamnit, if this was what he wanted to take away from that information then so be it. I was too damn distracted my Angie's eyes looking up to me.

"Yes, Sam. I fucking remember every single thing, alright?"
I wasn't fair to him and I knew it. But he didn't go to hell and had to deal with all of that. I DID.
"Even if I wanted you to, I can't make you understand.", I added in a less harsh tone, avoiding looking at my brother. Instead I kept my eyes fixated on Angie. She was in the wrong here, after all.

"Why are you angry at Angie then? She was there, so if someone understands, it's her.", my brother remarked, as if it was really that simple. I should have known he would try to make this a good thing somehow.

"We", I said gesturing wildly with my beer bottle between Angie and me, "have nothing in common."

"That would be the end of the world wouldn't it, Dean?", Angie commented sarcastically, clearly pissed off. She was feeling a lot better since she quickly got up from the couch to look me eye to eye.

"You should have told me the second you recognized me!", I shouted.
She was making me furious.
I couldn't determine if she was toying with me, if any second now she'd let the bomb explode and tell my brother that I'd become a cruel torturer.

"I don't need to tell you anything!", she yelled right back, matching my temper.

"Yes, you do! Because last time I checked you're the monster here!"

For a second she just stared at me and I thought she would run off, next thing I knew she tried slapping me in the face. With my hand that wasn't holding the beer, I caught her arm mid-air and didn't let go.

Both of us were just frozen in that position, our muscles still contracted. She was so damn close. And she smelled just like that fruity shampoo from her bathroom.
I wanted to lean in and inhale the scent, no matter how stupid that would be.

"Dean, let her go.", Sam ordered. There was a thirty second delay between hearing his words and then finally letting go of Angie's arm. She swallowed audibly, avoiding to look at me.

"What, so you're on her side now?", I barked in Sams direction. How could he not understand that I was pissed at her for not telling me something that important? It wasn't fair that she knew and I didn't, it made me feel powerless all over again.

Angie actually had the nerve to roll her eyes at me. I narrowed my brows.

"You guys are impossible.", my brother commented. "Angie and I have a truce. She offered me her friendship."

"She did?", I thought out loud.
I didn't even try to hide my disbelief.
"I did?", Angie asked at the same time.

"You wanna take that back?", Sam wanted to know from her. She seemed to think about something, then she slowly started to grin.

"Always wanted to be friends with a tree.", she said happily.
Now they had insiders? I shouldn't have gone showering.
Although, it was worth it.

"You still wanna find Alastair."
It wasn't a question, Angie knew that for a fact. "And I think I know someone who can help."

I was looking over to my brother. He gave me this "don't fuck it up again"- look. And he was right. If I was to continue to argue right now, we wouldn't achieve anything.

Didn't matter if I thought Angie was a monster who didn't even have the fucking decency of telling me we had been cell-neighbours in hell.
Getting back at Alastair was way more important than my hate towards the nephilim.

And then again, rationally thinking it wouldn't have changed that much if she had told me from the start: What would have happened? Some bonding over the good old times in torture-city? Some therapy-crying and confrontational roleplay?

I noticed Angie was still waiting for an answer. The second we met with that "person who could help" of hers, I'd just cut contact and never see her again.
Maybe two more days at tops and I was free from her deep brown eyes which seemed to pierce themselves into my soul.

"Okay.", I gave up, earning a little nod from my brother.
Still, I couldn't shake the feeling I agreed to something that I didn't quite comprehend yet.

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