chapter 26

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"So... what was the point of all this, Gold?" Y/N asked, shifting her gaze onto the blue-eyed woman.

Her lips curled up into a smile. "I just needed to teach Celestia a lesson, that's all! What better way to then mess with their little archons!" Rhinedottir walked around the room, resting her head and hands on Baal's. "It's cute, really. How worked up you all get. However, I'm quite impressed with Heizou's ability to deduce that his relationship with Y/N goes farther than this age. Bravo!"

Heizou stopped struggling. He opted to look Rhinedottir in the eye, glaring at her. "I almost got fucking killed. Why the hell did none of you do shit when you noticed that students were complaining about witchcraft, even though you knew that witchcraft existed at this school?!"

"Contracts." Morax sighed. "We agreed that we would never speak of our ties to witchcraft. When you all came in here and started claiming that witchcraft was currently being utilized for evil deeds in this school, we assumed it was a farce."

"Well it wasn't, dumbass." Scaramouche spat. "Gosh, how many people went to the hospital 'cause of this? If anything, we'd ought to sue this school."

"Wait." Y/N spoke. "Are you saying that I'm Istatroth's descendant?!"

"Was." Barbatos corrected. "Reincarnated! You're Istatroth's descendant reincarnated!"

"And why the fuck did Barbatos not save me?" She asked, e/c eyes narrowing at the anemo archon.

A nervous chuckle fell from his lips. "Istatroth didn't really want you to find out. Anything. My purpose was to hold you back, so you wouldn't find anything too big."

Y/N took deep breaths in an attempt to hold back her anger. Until a sense of tranquility consumed her.

It was odd.

As if her previous self's anger had been quelled and extinguished.

Was it just curiosity? The unquenchable need to learn the secret behind my death?

A soft smile graced her face. "Alright. I won't press any longer."

This familiar feeling hit Heizou as soon as he saw Y/N smiling. The anger had dissipated. Forgiveness. That's what I need to do.

They say a vision carries the user's ambitions.

Perhaps Y/N and Heizou just wanted a tranquil life from the beginning.


The contract had been absolved, unfortunately revealing the true identity of the teachers to everyone within the school. Like the contract, Rhinedottir disappeared and was never to be seen again. Her desire for vengeance had been quelled as well, after a really long talk with each archon. Safe to say, she's definitely still holding that grudge.

I suppose that must've been the faculty's punishment for trusting in witchcraft. Students trembled in fear at the sight of any teacher, especially Istatroth. But, the teachers and principal honorably took the punishment.

Ayaka's recovery took well over a few months. She could speak again, thankfully. Yoimiya was all over her for the rest of high school. Constantly pestering her to stop worrying for others.

Tomo's concussion quickly healed, and he was definitely not a happy camper when he realized one of his best friends was pining for his other best friend. Cursed to an eternity of third-wheeling, I guess. Itto definitely helped him through that.

Hu Tao and Xiao confessed in the most unconventional way possible, unfortunately. Kazuha asked Xiao when he was planning to ask his crush, Tao, out.

Tao was right behind him.

hate you lots | s. heizouWhere stories live. Discover now