chapter 22

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WARNING: if you didnt read the past few chapters, it's about to get EXTREMELY confusing. please read chapter 21, "breach", and "your last hope" before continuing.


This is one big nightmare, right? Just... all a huge nightmare! Witches don't exist, Y/N's not in a stretcher, and I'm not being taken into questioning right now!

"Hu Tao, correct?" The police officer asked me.

"Yes. That's my name. Where the fuck is Y/N? Is she okay?!" I ask, panicked. I don't give two shits about anyone at this point. Where is Y/N?

"Ma'am, I'm goimg to need you to calm down. I need to ask you a few questions regarding the case, alright?"

Dammit. I nod, tapping a tune to a song I've heard a while back on the table. At the same time, I'm trying to give this man the nastiest glare ever. Why do I need to be questioned?!

"How did you spot Y/N?"

"You. Dumbass. I've repeated this ten times!" I slammed my hands on the table, standing up. The chair screeched behind me. "I was searching for her in the school, and she was just walking around on the path! Blood was everywhere! I spotted at least twenty glass shards on her! Could you please just listen to me?!"

Why is this happening? How could something like this happen?

Why won't anyone understand me?


I sat in the questioning room, a police officer across from me. Hu Tao left awhile ago, yelling something about everyone here being an idiot.

I folded my hands in my lap, staring directly at the police officer. He looked through a file, before his eyes slightly widened. "What are you doing here, General Mahamatra?"


Where did he hear that from? "Don't call me that."

"Well, ever since you beat the crap out of that one robber, everyone at the station started calling you that." The police officer had brown hair. Dark, brown hair. And glasses. "It's not necessarily a bad thing, y'know? You should embrace it."

"That name has other roots in my life. It's a touchy subject. Don't call me that." I was trying my best to hold myself back.

That name reminds me of the potential future I have, along with what could possibly come with it. I dislike discussing it. Honestly, it scares me.

"Alright, if you say so." The brunette set the file down after closing it. "So, we heard you rambling about witchcraft, or something. Wanna elaborate?"

"Yes. Someone has been blackmailing and hurting all of my friends. We have reasons to believe that the culprit is Miss Lisa, the Academy of Inazuma Finest's librarian. We have all the evidence, if you need us to show you."

"Woah, slow down there, bud. That's a big accusation. Right now, I need to know about this case. Why were you unconscious in that empty classroom?" I narrowed my eyes at him. This fucking idiot.

"Can I get a new officer to question me?"


Y/N's in the hospital. And it's all my fault.

Guilt weighs down onto me as I walk into the room, Cyno glaring at the man inside as he left.

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