barbatos's conversation

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I know you're there.
Stop being petty over something that happened centuries ago.

I don't know what you're talking, Barbatos.

You're seriously going to let Gold wreak havoc?
I know you know what her intentions are.

I don't care. Morax got you into this mess, I'm sure he can get you out.
Go get drunk or something.

You're not listening.
I thought you cared about Y/N.

I do.

Well, here she is in a hospital bed.
Do something.

I don't want history to repeat.

Come on. Don't be a dumbass.

Do you know just how much Heizou grieved Y/N when she died?
All because you gave her that vision.

Oh? So you're willing to let Y/N die again?
You realize that Gold's intentions with her aren't exactly innocent.
Especially since she knows Y/N's related to you.

Related to me or not, this is your mess.
Clean it up.

We can't do this alone.
At least give us a hint.
Something. Anything.

You know what?

Thank you.
Expect a gust of wind, or some shit.

"Where's Miss Kusanali?" Tao asked, sitting at her desk.

She hadn't even arrived at school yet.

As the door burst open, a new teacher stalked in. Her long white hair flowed through the wind as it faded into a light blue, reminiscent of Mr. Barbatos's hair.

"Who are you?" Yoimiya gasped.

The teacher blankly stared at the class, blue eyes studying the group of students intensely.

"Call me Ms. I."

hate you lots | s. heizou ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu