gold's hatred towards celestia

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You know how I feel about them, Istatroth.
Why do you act so clueless?

That doesn't give you the excuse to start harming Y/N and her friends?
Using your dumbass clone?
Get fucking real, you know I would beat your ass.
And you know Y/N can too.

That's crazy!
I didn't ask though, haha.
Lisa is just a replica! She doesn't bite.

Uh, yes she does?
She literally gave Tomo a fucking concussion?
Why are you doing this?

I just want Y/N to know the truth...
And how cruel the world can be.
You should know, Issy...

Don't call me that.

You failed to save your own descendant!
After talking so highly of her, even proclaiming that she would ascend to Celestia!
Give me a break. She died in cold blood.
Now, she has a family that starves her if she doesn't study!
What a beautiful family reunion.

I don't give two fucks. She has Heizou now.

Now? Why couldn't she have Heizou before, though?
Oh right~!
She died due to you and Barbatos's negligence.
Heizou went mad!
I almost shit my pants when he tried killing a criminal himself, hah!

I know she'll figure it out.
She doesn't need any damn hints from you or anybody.
Knowing how many clues your clone already left behind...

That's where you're wrong, dear.
Barbatos and Kusanali already let her in on like, half of it!
Of course, besides the parts that they are forbidden to tell...
That contract wasn't completely useless, y'know?

I don't get it, Gold.
Why do you hate us so much?
Why must you use my own descendant against me?

That's for me to know,
and for Y/N to find out.
If she digs deep enough.

How deep?

Centuries deep.

hate you lots | s. heizouWhere stories live. Discover now