news regarding the series

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hey guys!! so i have good news and bad news so buckle up lol

to those who are continuing to follow up on this story: thank you so much. i really appreciate you all and can't thank you enough. as soon as i woke up today, i saw that i had gotten over 100 reads!!! tysm for the amazing support and motivstion you have all given me!

that being said, i do want to throw out special chapters and stuff like that just as a thank you to everyone.

now for the bad news: today i was getting ready to publish the next chapter. i checked my pages app and all my work was gone. all my chapters, everything, gone completely. i checked my icloud and everything, literally all gone. i have no clue how this could've happened, and i'm devastated. despite this setback, i plan on writing the rest of the series from scratch now, meaning that uploads will be pushed out slower. i am really really sorry!

im hoping that future uploads will take only 1-3 days to push out, considering each chapter is only like 1k-2k words long, but as of now, i'm unsure.

again, thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support, and i appreciate all of you! i'm hoping to push out a new chapter later today, so i'll see you then!

i love you all, and stay safe! 💕

hate you lots | s. heizouWhere stories live. Discover now