chapter 7

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The rain pattered loudly outside on the windows of the classroom, much to Y/N's pleasure. She enjoyed listening to the rain as she sat in class. Looking out the window, she gazed out at the trees and the area that the school took up.

"Alrighty, class dismissed!" Mr. Barbatos said, closing his textbook.

Y/N picked up her backpack and swung it over her shoulders as she smiled to herself, excited about staying indoors the whole day.

Until she ran into him.

"N/N~! Do you wanna go to the café together?" Heizou asked, cutting in front of the irritated girl.

Y/N could feel her eye twitch. "Why?"

"They're always so cozy, and there's one nearby!" He chimed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and showing Y/N a photo of the coffee shop.

"Fine.." She huffed, pushing his phone away from her face.


As they arrived at the café, Heizou and Y/N scouted out a table. "Right here!" He pointed at a table, pulling Y/N towards it.

Y/N sat down as Heizou asked her what she wanted. "I'll have a black coffee." Y/N requested.

The dark-haired male gasped over-dramatically. "Nuh-uh. That is the most depressing thing I have ever heard. I'm getting you something a lot better."

The h/c girl scoffed. "Fine."

As she watched him walk up to the counter, she caught herself staring and looked away. What am I doing?! She whipped out her phone, trying to focus on the things her friends were saying.


Student Council

why do we trust heizou to go out with y/n again ?

Trust the process, Xiao.

i agree with xiao why are we putting our faith into heizou
we're thinking of the same heizou right

Kazuha, you do not have a platform to stand on here. You're friends with all the troublemakers.

you have a point

Please, I'm not sure where you're getting this info from, but Heizou is not as bad as he seems.

If you say so, Y/N!


"I have drinks!" Heizou chimed, walking towards the table. Y/N tilted her head to the side in confusion as she stared at the cup in front of her. Whipped cream with sprinkles piled onto the coffee, and the drink was clearly sugared and creamed. "Drink up."

She looked around for a lid to put on a drink, quickly snatching on from the table. The steam slightly came out through the lid. Gathering up the courage to take a sip, she put the drink up to her lips and let the sweet yet bitter fluid touch her tongue.

"So sugary!" Y/N yelped, putting the cup on the table.

Heizou winked. "Duh, that's the point. Depressing black coffee is nothing compared to this." He looked down at her mouth to see whipped cream on the corner of her lips. "You're so silly, N/N."

Before she could pull away, Heizou reached out and used his thumb to wipe off the whipped cream from her lips, and to her horror, he licked the whipped cream off his thumb. What the..?

hate you lots | s. heizouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt