Epilogue: Upcoming Blood

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December 23, 2226.

All the Marines and many other crew members had gathered into the hangar. The Constantinople had just passed the frontline, reentering allied space through the Northern Fringe, meaning that it was finally time to hold up a little funeral to honor their fallen comrade. With the lack of the body or any piece of his armor, the only thing that Jordan could come up with was to put a digital picture of Gutierrez on top of a crate, which arrived more or less at his hip, but at least the crowd could see and remember why they were there.

Jordan had put on his officer uniform, cleaned up and tidy, and as the Captain of the ship, the responsibility of leading the ceremony fell upon him. The two people in front of the crowd were Thabo and Michalina, who instead were wearing their armors entirely, as a funeral for a Legionnaire dictated.

"We're all gathered here to honor the memory of Lieutenant Pablo Gutierrez. To most of you he was your superior officer, and you will be free to express your judgment of him today. However, to me, it's always difficult to talk about how it feels. Just like me, Gutierrez was an Aquila. His entire life had been dedicated to be a Legionnaire of the Federation, to serve and protect its citizens. It's not an easy path, as there are many expectations of what you will accomplish. However, at the end of his journey, Pablo didn't hesitate to sacrifice his life to save the crew he had spent the last four years of his life with.

"If there's anything to say, is that he went out like a Legionnaire should: by hurting the enemy, and knowing that your death will ensure a better future for the next generations."

Jordan made a brief pause.

"He wasn't a man of many words, but every time he was at my side on the ground, I felt a little safer. Pablo never questioned whether a goal was achievable or not. One way or the other, he always seemed confident that there was always a way, even if that way implied putting your life on the line so that all your comrades got to live. He reminded all of us of what being soldier is all about. He ennobled all of us, and as long as I live, I will make sure he is not forgotten...

"That's all I have to say. If anyone wants to speak, feel free to do it."

The soldiers looked at each other, trying to find a silent consensus. Eventually it was Aun'Roi'Ka who stepped forward, he, too, wearing his armor except for his helmet, and spoke up.

"What always impressed me about Lieutenant Gutierrez, was his steadfastness. Every time he launched himself into the fires of battle, he never let emotions cloud his judgment. Even when his life was in immediate danger, he was always able to think of a way to win the fight. If there is anything of him that I will strive to emulate, it will be his confidence."

After another silence, Vetra took the word.

"After every mission, Pablo would take us aside and point out at all the errors we did. The first times I thought that he was just abusing his authority, but each time I realized that he was actually giving us hints on how to improve our chances of survival by doing our job better. As a team leader, I feel like there was still so much I could learn from him. That's what I will miss the most."

Michalina then gave her judgment.

"At times, Pablo drove me crazy. He was so bent on regulations, he would complain whenever I would modify my grenades to make them more powerful as if I was committing something worth of a court martial." she said in a tone that was nostalgic. "Sometimes I did it in plain sight just to piss him off, but aside from that, I respected him. Just like the others already said, for all his bitching, I know he had found his place and purpose in this crew. And...well...he went out with a bang and a cool one-liner...I hope the good Lord grants him a special place in Heaven."

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