Chapter 8: Remnants

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Hi there.

I apologize for missing so long, but I had to finish my final thesis for my History Master Degree and it took all of my energies. Screw my interest for dark and barely known stories!


March 12.

It was safe to say that the Angara had appreciated and admired the successful attack of the galactic powers on Eos. The swift conquest of the Kett's main stronghold had left an impression on Jaal, who reported it to Evfra. The Resistance was now sending in troops to participate in the sweeping of the planet. After all, the Kett had other minor outposts on the planet, particularly, it seemed, around some strange structures that Jordan had never seen before. The same ones he was discussing with the leaders of the expedition and the Angara ally.

"Commander Jaal, what can you tell us about these buildings?" Thrawn asked.

"There are several, disseminated on planets all around the Sector. Even on our home planet of Havarl, since the dawn of the Angara, those structures were there. We don't know anything about who built them, but they are fiercely guarded by machines left by their creators. We call them with a word that we can translate for you as 'Remnants'."

"So it wasn't the Kett who built them." Darvos said. "If they precede your people, could it have been the Rakata?"

"If I may give my input as an archaeologist," Dr. T'Soni intervened. "it's pointless to stay here and wonder. We will find answers only inside."

"What's the input of our AIs?" Jordan asked, summoning Jinx, EDI, Cortana (since Chief was in the room listening) and even the new imperial AI, Steve, which had been detected by the other three in the latter days anyway.

"We completed the scan of the planet." the latter said. "This structure seems to be the access to an underground vault."

"A vault?" Iulius asked. "Any idea what they're hiding down there?"

"Negative." EDI replied. "The structure goes several hundred meters downward. However, right now the vault is sealed, lacking energy."

"How do we plug it back?" Rex asked.

"There are three identical obelisks set in a circular diameter around the main vault. Our hypothesis is that they might be the main source of power, but someone will have to investigate how to activate them." Jinx explained.

"Well, numbers aren't a problem. How do we split up?" Wilhelm asked.

Jane didn't hesitate to speak up. "Liara, you take the site on north-west. Scott and Sara will cover you. Tali, me and Garrus will look up the one in the south. Any volunteer for the third one?"

"I am going." the Tanis brothers said in unison, which made them look at each other in surprise, then turn away their gazes as an awkward atmosphere was descending on them.

"My lord," Thrawn intervened most likely ignorant to the air limping around. "while I consider your willingness to take risks for knowledge to be one of the highest virtues possible, I have to point out the dangers to your safety."

"We need to do this, Grand Admiral. We must understand what our enemy is looking for in order to decide our next move. You taught me that." Iulius replied.

The Chiss made a quiet sigh. "I certainly encouraged that behavior of yours."

"According to scans, the switches are not particularly defended. Only a few Kett stragglers have taken shelter there." Steve said. "If you insist to take part in the action, my lord, I at least recommend you bring a decent escort and do not venture inside the vault."

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